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  1. johnny5


    I only had 2 domino (3dot) damsels when I first got the condy, they started hosting it within a few days. Which is very weird and rare from what I understand. About 2 months later I added a pair of tomato's and within 2 weeks they had booted the 3dots out. The queen of the tank is starting to...
  2. johnny5

    ID needed

    stuckinfla id'd it correctly, try searching for calliactis anemone. There appears to be a few different species. They have a symbiotic relationship with dardanus sp's hermit crabs. You may be able to keep it alive on meaty foods, but without the hermit im not to sure how long it will live. If...
  3. johnny5

    to all aquarium keepers

    my fish = happy my girlfriend = pissed my wallet = empty
  4. johnny5


  5. johnny5

    Reverse Osmosis

    Glad I could help :) :happy:
  6. johnny5

    Reverse Osmosis

    I can attest to the ones on ---- made by aquasafe canada, they work great. I have been using mine for about 4-5 months now, it still tests 0 tds. My tapwater is around 80 tds. They are very affordable, I got the cheaper reef model (5 stage? 6 including the ro) that doesn't come with a tank or...
  7. johnny5

    help with my stupid rose anemone

    How much lighting do you have? Clarkii's right try the ph trick, you dont want to try detaching/reattaching it. If the foot gets damaged its bad news.
  8. johnny5

    can u id worm?

    Those really look like peanut worms to me. I have about 5-6 different varieties in my lr. Some are tiger striped, some are complete black/beige. And some look exactally like those in the picture. When fully extended, does the end look like an elephants trunk with small tenticles around the edges...
  9. johnny5

    anemone "eating fish?"

    Congrats CorbettB, you gotta take lfs advise with a grain of salt and a handful of swf searches :) I love my pink tip! My pair of tomatos kicked everyone else out recently too, which I dont mind at all. Its cool to think that an alantic anemone and a pacific clown can still get along.
  10. johnny5

    29 gallon bioload

    My domino's were hosting my hatian when I first got it.. Then when I got a pair of tomato's, they kicked the 3dot's out. Im certain that this isn't all that common tho..
  11. johnny5

    My 29Gallon

    lionfish, chill out. You dont have to force your opinion on someone. No one is going to learn anything when you "tell" them what to do.. advice is penty. he already knows its not enough space for a full grown tang for that matter... Very nice looking tank mongoose. :happy: :happy:
  12. johnny5

    test posting image

    if your posting a pic off your hard drive, just attach it. Hit the browse button... you dont need any special links, if its smaller than 500x500 then it will show up in the message. :happy:
  13. johnny5

    Newbie 4 pack, testing easyshare dx4900

    "BAAAAADDD MANTIS", he's in the penality box for good.
  14. johnny5

    Newbie 4 pack, testing easyshare dx4900

    "Hey! im trying to sleep, leave me alone!"
  15. johnny5

    Newbie 4 pack, testing easyshare dx4900

    Pink Bali(?) Xenia, sp ???
  16. johnny5

    Newbie 4 pack, testing easyshare dx4900

    PomPom Xenia, Sp Umbellata?
  17. johnny5

    anemone "eating fish?"

    OUch, that will happen tho. No guarantees with anemones, they do some weird stuff sometimes. In nature the clownfish is the bait to lure fish in close for the kill. I was referring specifically about my pinktip and clowns/damsels. But id put my money of the fact that it would eat any other type...
  18. johnny5

    clown vs clown

    Correct, adding a younger fish will help the survival rate. Size does have some to do with it, but its does not determine success. Size usually does effect dominance but not the ---. Theres a low percentage that a smaller fish is female, but there is still a good chance it has matured some. You...
  19. johnny5

    clown vs clown

    One should accept its role as the submissive fish (male). But it may take awhile (months even). And it is possible they could fight to the death if they are both females. I would suggest for you to get a book on clownfish to learn more(maybe "clownfishes" by joyce wilkerson). If the clown you...
  20. johnny5

    Dreaming about saltwater

    figi devil (neon blue) damsels have tons of personality, they are pretty aggressive tho and like to nest in the sand. They glow under actinics too. Yellowtails are another damsel thats not bad on the eyes. You could go with tank raised clownfish too (some are more docile than others). To try and...