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  1. mtennant

    What should I feed my new fish?

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy idk i just want one so i can feed my starfish on it to. and im to scary to stick my hand in the tank lol... i usually have my girlfriend feed things be hand... :hilarious :hilarious
  2. mtennant

    New angel fish eating everything!?!

    Well I got a Rusty angel and keyhole angel and thay are good to me!!! I have all kinds of corals and thay don't nip at my corals
  3. mtennant

    NFL Suspensions......

    Yes.... I agree too... With out pay :cheer: ... That will make them think about working as a team!!!!!!! Not just b/c thay are a big star.... I would have done the same thing for my team...
  4. mtennant

    Reef Safe Gobies???

    Ummm you know I had about 11 of the Firefish.. And slowly thay all disappeared... I don't know why... I didn't even found the bodys But now after seeing that pic... :thinking: I'm starting to think my big Yellow Watchman Goby ate them... He is about 4" or 5". Now after 4 mouths I have only one...
  5. mtennant


    I'm getting some MoonJellyfish... But i'm not sure what thay eat?...Is it brine shrimp?... if so what about the bugs(I for got the names) you get in your reef tank?... I have lots of them in my overflow... :thinking:
  6. mtennant

    trade in Colorado

    No body?
  7. mtennant

    Equiptment list for sale...

    So how about that Tang... I would like to buy it so bad... please?
  8. mtennant

    crazy story

    WOW looks like you are a lucky person... I hope to see it some day...
  9. mtennant

    What should I feed my new fish?

    why you do you need a feeding stick?
  10. mtennant

    trade in Colorado

    Does any body what to trade with me here in Colorado?... If so let me know and maybe we can set up a time and place where we can meet and come see all the stuff I have... Thanks
  11. mtennant

    Equiptment list for sale...

    do you still have that tang?... Please say you do...
  12. mtennant

    tips for moving a stocked tank?

    How big is your new tank going to be any ways?
  13. mtennant

    tips for moving a stocked tank?

    I would keep half of your water for your new tank...
  14. mtennant

    Yet another sump setup question

    That 75 gallon can be a nice QT... But thats just me....
  15. mtennant

    I hate ICK....

    Originally Posted by nicetry You have a couple of options, neither of which are easy but workable. It's not practical to quarantine all of these fish together in one tank, unless it would be in the 100 gallon range. You can either purchase several large rubbermaid bins to house your rock, corals...
  16. mtennant

    I hate ICK....

    the only fish that as ICK is my 7" blue hippo tang... And when I frist saw the ICK on him it was all over him and now its about 5 spots now.... And he is my newest fish... So yea I will naver order a fish from a web site. I would say the web site but I don't think the will let me... And...
  17. mtennant

    I hate ICK....

    How long do thay have to be in the QT?... Is it about 6 weeks? :thinking:
  18. mtennant

    I hate ICK....

    Well I got all the tangs out and in the QT tank... Its a 75 gallon i know its small for them but so far the ICK is going away... But its been about almost a week so far... And i'm happy to say that thay are looking very good so far... I can't wait to put them back to my DT tank.... Thank you...
  19. mtennant

    Equiptment list for sale...

    Originally Posted by Shipwrecked Just wanted to say that I saw these fish,and they are in terrific health,great size,if I had a big enough fish only tank I would of snatched them up...dont miss out on these fish... Well thats nice to know.. :cheer: ... I hope he would sell me that tang...
  20. mtennant

    Equiptment list for sale...

    SWEEET!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to buy that tang!!! Let me know ASAP.. Thanks