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  1. areijin

    ID This Micro Please

    Well it has to be a good Micro sicne the guy I bought the tank from used it in his Refigium for years. I checked the Threads and I didn't see a good enough picture to confirm that is was Bryopsis. Anyway my qestion wasn't if it was good or bad but what king of refigium plant it was. The prolem...
  2. areijin

    500 gal reef converted to 850gal reef

    Ok so maybe you answered this before...but two pumps dount matter if the power goes out. What is your backup plan??? On the subject of power (and I'm sure you are board of these "simple" questions) how much does it cost you a month??? Maybe you have stock in the local electic company, LFS, and...
  3. areijin

    500 gal reef converted to 850gal reef

    Wouldn't more water being pumped back mean that it falls through the overflow faster and hence return back to the pumps in the same rate that it is sent?
  4. areijin

    Airation? Protein Skimmer?

    All I know about skimmers is they take a few weeks to break in to a stead level. Really hard to think how to get more air without a sump. How do you run a tank without a sump. I know how but how can it be healthy?
  5. areijin

    Hanna TDS reading

    Yeah My tap is 356 and my RODI is 000 to 001
  6. areijin

    ID This Micro Please

    Over 70 hits and nobody knows for sure???
  7. areijin

    IS this Live Sand of Algea Sand???

    So I thought a DSB was better then a shallow one. True or not? I also heard that this was even more true with finer substrate. True or not? Note: I noticed that this is ony in the front and HALF way on the sides. In the other half and the back of the tank it is still white. My guess it is...
  8. areijin

    things in sand?

    Yeah I only have this stuff on the glass and taking a better look at it, it is only in the front and half way on each side. My guess is that the LR is in the was of teh rest, and yes I checked the back as well. It is nowere on the surface of the sad bed.
  9. areijin

    IS this Live Sand of Algea Sand???

    I thought a "LIVE" sand bed was best? Say just read a Thread from Fishman77 and it looks like he is starting to have the same situation. I guess that I want to know what a live sandbed looks like. I think I saw a Thread months ago were one of the Shank members did a test of substrats to see...
  10. areijin

    things in sand?

    I think we have the same deal. BUT we both need more people to figure out if for sure it is a good thing (like live sand) or a bad thing. I have the bubbles too. Take a look at my Thread Fishman77 under AREIJIN: IS this Live Sand of Algea Sand??? Sorry but I don't know how to make a link to it.
  11. areijin

    ID This Micro Please

  12. areijin

    IS this Live Sand of Algea Sand???

    Newly setup to me. The sand is the same from when I bought it from somebody and it was five years old at that time. Looking at a couple of pictures I had of the old setup I can see the same stuff but in much less of a quantity.
  13. areijin

    The perfect fish for christmas

    I'm late on this post but that Wrasse looks like the one I had to give to my LFS because it was mean and wouyld eat my shrimp and crads. Keep this in mind.
  14. areijin

    IS this Live Sand of Algea Sand???

    Second pic of....
  15. areijin

    IS this Live Sand of Algea Sand???

    I think ( or better yet hope to god:nervous: ) that is what good live sand looks like. I only see this stuff between the glass and sand. The sand is super fine and a good 5 inches thick. Somebody please give me some good news.
  16. areijin

    ID This Micro Please

    I bought my tank and refigium but I'm not sure of what kind of Micro (I think this is the right term) this is. Any ideas??? Second part is that I only have a hair algae problem in the micro cluster. I'm buying a phosphate test kit and more cleanup crew for the refigium so I hope to figure...
  17. areijin

    Brittle Star?

    Green Brittles are EVIL!!! He made sushi out of three perfect shrimp and I'm 100% sure it was him. Maybe I could throw him in my refigium/sump. N M REEF: How many gallons of space do you think he needs???
  18. areijin

    Brittle Star?

    I have HUGE five year old green brittle star. Maybe 18 inchs from leg to leg. HE is trubble. He likes to eat shrimp!!! I want to get ride of him but fell bad about it. I rather have shrimp and a different star. However he is soo huge that when I feed my fish he will come out half way to...
  19. areijin

    100g in the making

    Well I'm still pretty new to the hobby but I have a 75G and a 30G sump/Refugium. The setup is three chambers with the right the water from the main tank, the middle is my refigium, the left is the return. The protein skimmer is outside. first the chamber where the water comes from the tanks is...
  20. areijin

    How To Frag a HUGE Leather???

    So my list is... A bucket to cut in A bucket to rinse in Clean razors Gloves Rubberbands OR Fishingline Anything else???