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  1. areijin

    Protien Skimmer Problems. Ideas???

    My protein skimmer won’t make foam. I used to have it directly in my 30G sump but one of the walls silicone broke and I had to take it out since the water level always changed. So I had to place it on some blocks above the sump so I could have the return water piped over the lip of the sump...
  2. areijin

    Feeding Question????????

    So I have 2 Royal Gramas (male and female), A large Purple Tang, a large Marron Clown, a large Wrasse, a Hawk, a large Angel, and a very large Green Brittle Star. So how much should I feed them??? Right now use 1 and 1/2 to 2 frozen cube a day. Is rthis enough??? They always look hungry but...
  3. areijin

    Flame angel in a reef?

    Mine didn't bother with all that jazz. Maybe it's a male/female thing or something.
  4. areijin

    Ich Problem

    Actually I didn't just move things around but I totally broke down the tank twice in a month. I bought it from somebody and moved it then. After that I had a plumbing problem and had to move it into a new location in my apartment. The main thing is about how long do I have to try to let nature...
  5. areijin

    Ich Problem

    Anyone please.
  6. areijin

    Ich Problem

    So it looks like my fish have Ich. I thought that I saw some white spots a few days ago on my tang my his dorsal fin and then they went away. Now my Angel has some torn dorsal fin, and a scare on it's side. My Tang looks fine except a little notch from its dorsal fin. I noticed a little...
  7. areijin

    My poor fire shrimp!

    Well not to worry you. Mine is HUGE. Maybe a 3 inch diameter body with a 2 foot arm span. If yours gets that big then you might understand what I mean.
  8. areijin

    My poor fire shrimp!

    How big is your Brittle Star? Mine is huge and the guy I got it from said that he ate all of his shrimp. I'm playing with the idea to buy a cheap one and see if he last or not.
  9. areijin

    A Plumbing Nightmary.

    I'm not mad at the guy. I was but ---- happenes. It mostly sucked since I had to rent two of those snailshell fan ($60 each) and a carpet cleaner ($30). I also lifted my carpet and replaced a good sized amount of the foam ($40) and don't forget the glue ($10). If my landlord know what I did...
  10. areijin

    A Plumbing Nightmary.

    15 gallons on my new apartment floor!!! Ok so now that I ahve a few of you reading thins is what happened. So got bought my 75G from somebody and had to add a new sump. I had somebody from my LFS help me move it. On the return pump he put the tube into the female PVC. I knew that he didn't...
  11. areijin

    Novice Moving His New Tank. Advice???

    Sorry. Many misspellings in the last post.
  12. areijin

    Novice Moving His New Tank. Advice???

    Thnaks. I was hoping to use one of my LFS. They have teh niocest stuff butr the owner that was going to help me move was trying to sell me a bunch of stuff that I didn't needl. It was to a point that he was saying everything wrong to what everone else on SWF was telling me and the $$$ signs...
  13. areijin

    RO unit

    Check out A lot of people at SWF seems to use them . I just bought mine and them have pretty good deals. Most of all so many people said they used them and were happy. Fish are able to stand poorer water but if you want to ever go reef then I think you should. Your...
  14. areijin

    Novice Moving His New Tank. Advice???

    Has anyone heard of the sudstate becoming a solid mass on a five year old tank? Will I also find a lot of really dead zones where gunk has collected? If so will the water be bad? I was thinking that the last few inchs of water I might through out. I'll left the last pieces of LR and then...
  15. areijin

    Cutting Coral

    So I know that some corals grow like crazy like the muishrooms and the grassy carpet looking ones. Also when you have enough you and cut them and sell back to your LFS. So how do you do this? What corals can you do this to? If you can think of anything that would help me know then that would...
  16. areijin

    The Brit is hungry

    The Star is very big. A few inchs in body diameter plus at least 6 inch long legs. I guess he likes to eat the shrimp that were in the tank before. I really love how shrimp look in a tank so do I just need super big shrimp, or maybe a certain kind that Brittles don't eat. Any ideas out...
  17. areijin

    Sump Size Question

    Yeah the sump has the same idea. Must be nice to set it up in this manner. As far as the stand...I'm not sure what the difference is between them. I took another look at his sump yesterday and he only uses a refegium. The 55G is just a little bit too long to fit. The stand has two doors and...
  18. areijin

    Sump Size Question

    Does anyone know what size of sump you can put under a 75G tank stand. It's the normal retangular tank. I would like a wet/dry filter and a refegium. Should I use two different tanks? I'm getting a really nice tank, coral, fish, and a 55G wet/dry sump with refegium inside. I live in an...
  19. areijin

    Nuke em to glass

    QUOTE]It seems to me that people are more upset over what our soldiers did to prisoners, then what they did to the four americans that were burnt and hung from a bridge. Aas we should be. The whole point is that we have to be the good guys. Eveyrthing we have to do has to be better. That...
  20. areijin

    Novice Moving His New Tank. Advice???

    So I think that I might have to go with my LFS and have them help me move. I'm happy that this thread might help a few others and ask for more people to write so when others look up this thread they will have a great idea on what to do. So my LFS puts the fish and coral in bags and then into a...