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  1. new2u

    Begginer Corals/flow

    awesome, the more corals the more "fishmas" presents my family can choose from lol
  2. new2u

    COTM:Plate corals(short tentacles)

    its a short tentacle. what is their nitrate compatibility? I'm adding a fuge soon so what about 10?
  3. new2u

    anemonie died tried to take me with it

    guys, shawna needs help not for her post to get locked, and where in the world is msd when you need him
  4. new2u

    Begginer Corals/flow

    anyone have any experience with fungia? I've read it to be an easy, but delicate coral
  5. new2u

    Begginer Corals/flow

    ive read an entire book on corals but it was a little outdated and before the days of target feeding so i was jw
  6. new2u

    COTM:Plate corals(short tentacles)

    hey, i was wondering if a fungia would do well under 5 watts per gallon on a 55 tank oh its t5s and would be my first coral :rolleyes: its really beautiful so...
  7. new2u

    Begginer Corals/flow

    sorry, im new to corals, which kinds need feeding. I know the sun coral does and you just told me brain but what other types do? And what shoudl I feed?
  8. new2u

    Begginer Corals/flow

    what about some open brains or fungia eventually? I just found this beautiful one on the net thats temting me... lol
  9. new2u

    Begginer Corals/flow

    Alright guys i got my new lights today, its the TEK lighting system and gives about 5 watts per gallon and now i was wondering what would be some nice beggenir corals and how if you think I should go with 2 or 3 mjs 900. I couldn't decide where to post this so I chose here rather than the new...
  10. new2u


    OK time for some first corals guys. I finnally got my new T-5 lighting and all my friends/family want to buy me corals what would be some good starters. I was thinking toadstool, hammer, brain and i found an awesome fungia which of these would be good? I'm also getting a fuge/sump before this...
  11. new2u

    Live rock and bio balls?

    yup all at once causes a crash im livin proof or should i say dead proof...
  12. new2u

    uP dated pictures!

    yeah when i ordered them i had a dozen hermits on the list but they were out of them so... im gonna pick someup whenever i can
  13. new2u

    Power Compact Lighting

    i'm in a similar situation and if you look on ---- you can find a 48inch 8 54 watt bulb fixuture for around 300 and you only have to replace the bulbs yearly andit supports alot more life just my 2 cents thats what i'm gonna get cept in the 36 inch
  14. new2u

    uP dated pictures!

    yeah, im thinking about upgradeing in about a month but I really should get a better back ground but currently all my money is bein saved for those T5s... oh my clean up crew it is 22 turbos 3 brittle stars (one being mammoth a foot for every tentacle thing) 5 nassa snails 1 mysterious tiny...
  15. new2u

    Adding sand!

    how do I wash the southdown? Dechloronated water or does it matter?
  16. new2u

    uP dated pictures!

    yeah, i know i just ran out of salt mix :P im gonna go get some asap i just mixed up all the salt that was left and it was a sad little 3 gallons too, lol. I'm gonna go get a 200 gallon bucket tommorow.
  17. new2u

    uP dated pictures!

    today month 8 more lr chromis went, I was way overstocked and my nitrates are suffering (30!) so this is kind of a roundabout way of asking but how would you suggest lowering my nitrates? Im gonna add a fuge in 2 weeks should i just do a 15 gallon water change? well answer that after the laud :P
  18. new2u

    uP dated pictures!

    month 6 got some chromis re arranged got a coral beaut,diaomond back goby, and clownfish oh and wised up and ditched the DAMN-sels cept for the b&w striped scardey cats : )
  19. new2u

    uP dated pictures!

    month two, I got a little smarter a little more LR
  20. new2u

    Adding sand!

    so wait, it hooks up to the fresh water in the sink how does that work? I have a maxijet that i currently use for water changes sucking water from the tank and pumping it back in would that work too?