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  1. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    the anenome and gps have opened up, alot of the corals are partialy bleached, with the proper lighting they'll come back right?
  2. new2u

    Satellite Lighting for my 55gal, Good Choice?

    i looked into all the lighting options for my 55 and found the TEK t-5 sunlight supply to be the far best, get the 4 55 watt bulb fixture but order the tek unit from reef geek not the ---- knock off, check out the thread on -- in new hobbiests t5 lighting may be for you. Oh and added bonus, new...
  3. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    OMG when i went to pick up my LR today it was all covered in zoos green star polyps an anenome and a whole bunch of other corals I dont know the name of! I'll post pics so u guys can id asassc! (as soon as the sand storm clears)
  4. new2u

    Amiracle Wet/Dry DFW TX will ship

    yeah whoops i guess i 4got
  5. new2u

    Amiracle Wet/Dry DFW TX will ship

    Just like the title says, amiracle wet dry filter with overflow and power head 808 if so desired. Prices are as follows Complete filter, overflow, return 110 filter, overflow 95 filter, return 90 just filter 70 I also have a berlin airlift 60 for sale 25$ We can work out shipping or you can...
  6. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    just a simple ? are there any other ways than water changes and micro algeas that reduce nitrates?
  7. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    i think i'm gonna pick up some zoos after i get ALL my water tested and my fuge plumbed YEAH this is so exciting!
  8. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    my temp is always 78 i've never had it drop a degree exept when i accidentally unplugged my heater when i was a newb currently my fish are 2 convict damsels (i call them chicken little and the con) 2 clowns (nemo and nemona) 1 coral beauty (spaz) 1 diamond back goby (mr. personality) I guess the...
  9. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    my tanks levels havent moved in 2 months and my nitrates are now down to 20, its really starting to come together, I dont really know what corals perfer any/what food could y'all help me with that, I've heard of some ppl feeding zoos while others not ect ect
  10. new2u

    rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!

    Alright guys I'm starting to wonder when I can finally get corals into my tank so heres my question, do I have every thing I need? Heres a list of what I have currently and what I'm going to do. Current stats: 500 gph flow rate 65 pounds of LR 5 watts per gallon T5 (timed) 3 inch DSB Cleanup...
  11. new2u

    New here

    hehe that was me :D i thought it would be funny to bump it so every1 can see you gotta be a newbie sometime!
  12. new2u

    New here

  13. new2u


    Alright I got my t-5s instaled the other day and was so exited when i was looking at my cleaner shrimp today i noticed that AN "ASSUMED" DEAD CORAL ON MY LIVE ROCK IS ALIVE! Well acutally its changed from its bleached white appearance and is turning a dark brown, alot darker than any algea and...
  14. new2u

    Thinking of going Reef

    i would go with the six bulb t5 lighting fixture, they produce a lot of light use little energy and can be customized with different bulb combos make sure you get the tek fixtures, they have special penetrating reflectors, i love mine!
  15. new2u

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    its just fine ive got a dsb too
  16. new2u

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    it depends, theyre "suppose" to only eat pods but mines a pig so if you get one eating he'll still sift but also eat prepared fooods
  17. new2u

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    couldnt hurt, well your eel could hurt them...
  18. new2u

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    currently uve got 20 plus the eel so and you could have around 40 in the end so you should be fine.
  19. new2u

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    nope, the diamond back will be fine, just make sure hes eating
  20. new2u

    Sand Surface Cleaners

    my diamond goby dosent dig tunnels but they do do an awaesome job of sifting the sand, i havent seen algea on the sand ever since I got him as well as any pods...