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  1. brenden

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Hey, today I have for sale the one and only very rare Golden Dwarf Moray Eel (Gymnothorax Melatremus). I had two of these specially collected for me however due to financial reasons I need to sell one. These retail for anywhere between $350 - $550 when available which isn't alot. I am asking...
  2. brenden

    Stupid Shark Question

    I think it would work out, to be safe I would just purchase cinderblocks or any sort of medium sized brick to the outside of the pond for extra support. I would also add a pond liner to be safe. If the pond you have has a diameter of 5' and a height of 2' you are looking at approx. 375 gallons...
  3. brenden

    Bamboo Shark Set Up

    But than again you have never owned an elasmobranch ;) Mike
  4. brenden

    Bamboo Shark Set Up

    Limitedslip - You are correct, I did mistake you for Goodwin and I take full responsibility for that. My apologies, I have seen your threads before and I think its great your going the extra step to ensure your Shark and Ray is going to be able to thrive. However this still does not change my...
  5. brenden

    Bamboo Shark Set Up

    That coming from the guy who blindly purchases an un-identified species of Wobbegong which will reach about 10', 4' roughly it is first year and a bit. And all you had to say for it was " I will hand it over to my LFS for their pond". My comment wasn't refered towards you, it was refered...
  6. brenden

    Bamboo Shark Set Up

    I agree very irresponsible to purchase a Shark with only the intent to sell it and purchase another. Its a big commitment and ensure you are willing to do so before you make the purchase. A Brown Banded Bamboo will require atleast a 500 gallon pond when full grown.
  7. brenden

    Queen and a Ray

    Do you think they would be able to get another and possible ship to Buffalo?
  8. brenden

    Queen and a Ray

    Limitedslip - Where did you purchase this Ray from? Its a specimen I would not mind acquiring. Let me know
  9. brenden

    shark pond

    Well if they are fed properly, and healthy, they should both outgrow that system. BatRays get to a size of about 1.5 meters, and Gray Smoothounds about 4'. Both to large for your pond.
  10. brenden

    shark pond

    Nice pond, what are your plans for the Ray and Smoothie once they outgrow it?
  11. brenden

    Sick Tang Confusion, Please Help!

    Just to give you an update on my Sailfin. I placed it in the QT and preformed Hypo on it for 2 weeks. It looks way better now, its color has came back, and the brown spot on the mouth / face has died down alot. How is yours?
  12. brenden

    Anyone Feel Like Sharing Shark Tank Pics

    I will post pictures in a few minutes.
  13. brenden

    Sick Tang Confusion, Please Help!

    My Sailfin is having the exact same problem has yours. I have had mine for about 3.5 months and this just started to occur about a week ago. Brown nose on the mouth, and the color of the fish is going more white. I searched every where online and found nothing. Its eating normal and swimming...
  14. brenden

    ----- the stupid shark!

    Maybe you didn't do enough research before this purchase. Baby Sharks are very hard to get to start eating, thats why its best to purchase juvenile specimens already excepcting frozen food. Keep trying, you can also try Silversides, Squid again. Make sure the peices are small enough for him/her...
  15. brenden

    What type of shark?

    Psusocr1 - I will upload pictures tomorow. As for the turn over rate, I did not intend to have that much flow. However I am running a 5,500gph return pump which returns through 4 return holes at the front of the tank, plus 5 1,200gph powerheads I installed to get rid of any dead spots on the...
  16. brenden

    What type of shark?

    On my 330 gallon I have 13,000gph of flow.
  17. brenden

    What type of shark?

    All I have at the moment is my 330, 375pond, 25, 10 lol I am in the planning stages of my a 10,000 gallon pond. I do not want to go bigger and make it the way I would like becasue I will be moving in 5 years probable. So when I find my final location I will be building a larger pond in the...
  18. brenden

    What type of shark?

    Not sure what your refering to as to " What types of Sharks will growout in a 330?". But I am using it for growing out Smoothhound pups.
  19. brenden

    What type of shark?

    Growout tank for Sharks.
  20. brenden

    What type of shark?

    My 330 gallon with everything except livestock ran me $15,000 cdn.