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  1. brenden

    sharks and rays

    Dallas03 - No Shark and or Ray can fit in a 160 gallon for life. No they do not need special lighting, however they do need mature tanks and extensive filteration, with minimum love rock, and soft substrate. You will need atleast 250 gallons to keep any Shark and or Ray for life. Hope that helps.
  2. brenden

    Finally Epaulette moved to pond

    Looking good Rich!
  3. brenden


    Hahaha may get a little too cold ;)
  4. brenden


    Masta Man - Aww thats to bad haha Depending on where you live you could build it outside lol
  5. brenden


    Masta Man - Hahaha go for it. As for the secret project, just bring in small peices at a time haha and one day just go down for a few hours. Once its built she can't take it down :)
  6. brenden


    Masta Man - You could always build one without her knowing hahaha Your secret project in the basement lol
  7. brenden


    Masta Man - So thats 2' long, 3' wide, and 2.5' high? Thats way to small for any Ray unfortunatly. They need atleast 250gallons roughly dimension wise. But, I can help you build a very cheap Ray pond which will look amazing, give you more than enough room for the rays, and not cost you alot...
  8. brenden

    Banana Morray - Muraena miliaris

    Beautiful eel man! I would love to get one, but the females in the household do not approve of them haha
  9. brenden


    Masta Man - 150 is really to small for any Ray for longer term. Remember with Rays and Sharks, width is more important than length. For a Cortez Ray, the smallest of the Rays available in the home aquaria trade, needs alteast 30" width, and when dealing with Rays you ideally want 40". What are...
  10. brenden

    Opinion on shark tank dimensions

    Yes, I think the 60"x44" would be the best bet. Becasue than you are getting close to a square effect, and becasue the Eppaulettes aren't the most active sharks, I would say the 44" width is more important to them than the 60" length.
  11. brenden

    Opinion on shark tank dimensions

    With Sharks width is always more important than length, however length is more important than height. No tank which will be used to hold sharks should be less than 30". Thats the bare minimum as far as width goes. For an Eppaulette I would go with a 40" width ideally, and 44" would be a big...
  12. brenden


    California Round Stingrays, Yellow Spotted Stingrays, and Cortez Stingrays are the recommended 3 for the home aquarium. All acclimate well to aquarium life. However you can pretty much buy any Stingray you would like if you find a collector willing to collect it for you. Such at Bat Rays, Manta...
  13. brenden

    Are leopard sharks baned in all 50 states?

    "The way it works at public aquariums is this: They have permits that allow the display of restricted animals. Usually the permit lists the number and sizes that the aquarium is requesting to keep and upon approval from the state they can legally have them. Here in CA you just need to apply to...
  14. brenden

    Are leopard sharks baned in all 50 states?

    Mike22cha - I would assume most large reputable aquariums have their own private collectors with all the right permits ect. But these collectors obviously go into the oceans and take the fish out and fill the stocking lists the aquariums give them. I am sure it has happened before where...
  15. brenden

    Are leopard sharks baned in all 50 states?

    Mike22cha - I think since its a federal law, the aquariums need to follow the same guidlines. I would hope so, but they may have some pull. Really its not to hard for a private aquarist to go down to San Fransisco Bay, through a line in the water, catch a Leapoard under 36" and take it home. Its...
  16. brenden

    bat ray

    I would say so yes. This forum has very sensetive rules against the discussion of other websites. Which is odd becasue most the time its to benefit others. Maybe its the fact they feel threatened but in the end its only to benefit the hobby. Which they should be opting for. Anyways feel free to...
  17. brenden

    Change of Plans my 1000 is now 1600

    A Cylinidrical Aquarium is simply an aquarium which has a circular shape and is tall. Great looking tanks when done right. Good luck.
  18. brenden

    bat ray

    Fastazzr1 - Bat Rays, just like all elasmobranches should not be help in systems with Triggers, Angels, Butterflies, and Puffers. Some other great tankmates would be Tangs,Groupers, Clowns, Eels, Sharks, Squirrl Fish, ect. As for Bat Ray specifics, they get fairly large. I would recommend a...
  19. brenden

    Change of Plans my 1000 is now 1600

    I change about 50 gallons a week, 100 gallons every two weeks, so I am changing about 400gallons a month. Some from evaporation, other is lost water from vaccuming, and most is just water changes. It doesn't take to much time and it makes the tank cleaner so why not.
  20. brenden

    So you want a trigger and a shark!!! What to do...

    I would have to agree, why experiment if your risking the well being of a Shark and or Ray. Sure it may work for a while, but one day chances are it will happen. So I would rather be save than sorry.