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  1. symphony

    anyone know what this guy is?

    more pics
  2. symphony

    anyone know what this guy is?

    found this little guy tonight, looks cool, like it has snowflakes on top of the spikes on it's back. Just curious to know what it is. sorry it's small so pics are blurry.
  3. symphony

    is my clown dying?

    no problems with color, no marks. I have not observed any one picking on him, his fins are intact. I wouldn't worry so much if he was eating. I have not seen him eat in 5 days now, previously an agressive eater. I am a nurse so I have a syringe for target feeding, it swims to the food but...
  4. symphony

    is my clown dying?

    I posted this in the clown section an got no answers, I read a thread very close to this one and they said post here, look for Beth. I have a clown pair for about 2wks. now one has not eaten for 4 days. swimms toward food but will not eat. now is swimming straight up and down with nose down, if...
  5. symphony

    is my clown dying?

    I have had my clown pair for about two weeks, about four days ago one stopped eating, swims toward food but will not eat. I have offered mysis shrimp and spectrum pellets. It now appears to have balance problems, either giving great effort to swim straight, or staying vertical with nose pointed...
  6. symphony

    Help with Blue Hippo tang!

    I'm reading your post, glad both are doing better.
  7. symphony

    Photographers Wanted

  8. symphony

    Photographers Wanted

    it works now! sent some pics. enjoy.
  9. symphony

    Help with Blue Hippo tang!

    very true! I do believe the hippo tangs act like that when they are stressed, like play dead and stuff, hopefully after he chills a bit he'll be okay. good luck.
  10. symphony

    Photographers Wanted

    Originally Posted by BlueBob88 what message were you getting after you clicked submit photo and information? over to the left it says upload JPEG immage, green bar appears as if it it uploading, if you didn't look over to the left you would think it went through as I did last night. my files...
  11. symphony

    Photographers Wanted

    Dude tried again twice, won't accept my pics. don't say why. if you get it fixed let me know.
  12. symphony

    Photographers Wanted

    Originally Posted by BlueBob88 it doesn't look like any of them were uploaded. You can also check to see how many are in the queue by logging into your account and clicking on members. At the top it will say how many are waiting to be accepted. Looks like the upload form isn't as easy to use as...
  13. symphony

    Photographers Wanted

    Originally Posted by Cranberry I would love to see a picture!! what kind of pic do you want to see cranberry?
  14. symphony

    pre mixed water or salt mixes

    Oh yeah I won't kid ya, lugging those buckets of saltwater sucks!!! I am just lucky to have a store 10 min. from my house, a truck, and since I'm a girl they usually feel sorry for me and load my buckets for me I have a nano tank so I don't go through water that fast, more RO water for top off...
  15. symphony

    Lymphocyctis , conformation?

    Thats great! I got the zoecon, she is looking better already, I'll post a few pics.
  16. symphony

    Help with Blue Hippo tang!

    i'm sorry to hear about your situation, I have never had and outbreak of ich {knock on wood!), but my thinking is I wouldn't want my other fish to get it, and I wouldn't want meds in my man tank. JMO. Don't they like to hide? is there a place he can hide and chill. isn't your other fish a...
  17. symphony

    My First Show Fish

    very pretty, I love mine, she is my show fish as well.
  18. symphony

    pre mixed water or salt mixes

    I have never mixed my own salt water, alway get it from my lfs, they are open 7 days a week till 9pm, so it's easy for me, others my not have that option. oh sorry sunday they close early 6pm.
  19. symphony

    Diamond Goby died

    sad to say but I have a sneaking suspicion you may be right. I'm not going to risk another life by putting another Goby in this tank, what should I do about sand clean up? I have the 2 stars, and about 15 small snails, 2 turbo's 2 porcelain crabs and 2 lettuce nudi's. I am cleaning a used 45G I...
  20. symphony

    Diamond Goby died

    i'm sure getting video wouldn't be a prob, he is very curious, but I've never posted video anywhere before.