Search results

  1. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

  2. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

  3. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

    Thanks everyone. DrkDweller, not sure if theres a trick, but I'll tell you what I do. We're using a Kodak DX4530 (5 mega pixels) set to the highest res.(megapixels) on the macro setting. I'm convinced that a macro setting is key to the success and using a tripod --no shaking. The software...
  4. rwhite

    Coral banded and Cleaner

    We've got a large CBS whos been in the longest with 2 cleaners. As long as the cleaners stay out of his way, everythings cool.
  5. rwhite

    Reverse Osmosis

    Were you looking at the Water General RO/DI? We've been wondering the same thing. I would have to say the more stages the better, but not positive. My question about them is whether or not its necessary to have a water pressure guage. Along with other questions, hope someone will help both...
  6. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

    And, finally, a cluster of favites. I'll post a couple progress pics later.
  7. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

    The other favorite, orange/purple ric. Been looking for this guy a while!
  8. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

    One of my favorites, orange/red with yellow/green center zoos.
  9. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

    Bright green with orange/yellow center zoos.
  10. rwhite

    Pics of our new corals

    We've been wanting to add some more colors to our tank and I think we found some winners. All the pics are just after acclimation/intro to the display. Some red shrooms.
  11. rwhite

    Favite questions

    Here it is just after acclimation. Lost some color during the move, I'm hoping its just upset and will regain its darker brown outer rings.
  12. rwhite

    No more controversy, skimmers rock !

    Nice. What ever happened to that thread about the skimmerless tank? I cant even remember the name of the starter. One of the last things I remember reading was that a skimmer was being added. Was it druluv? Now I'm going to have to do a search:notsure:
  13. rwhite

    Favite questions

    Thanks, I was beginning to think no one was keeping any or just plain ignoring me. Anyone have any pics of them? We went ahead and picked one up along with some other stuff. Going to start a new thread with pics of the newbies, I'll prolly post a pic of the favites here too.
  14. rwhite

    Cycle Almost Done--What Should I Add First?

    Well, even tho they are technically damsels, most clownfish are pretty hardy and have better temperments than standard damsels. Our Clarkiis are a bit aggressive, but I blame that on the other damsels in the tank and maroon clowns tend to be aggressive. Dont know much about Bangaii, sorry. An...
  15. rwhite

    who knows wild birds?

    Looks like an oriole to me.
  16. rwhite

    My anemone split...

    No worries about stinging, essentially its the same anemone--a clone. Our BTA split and the other simply moved to another location. The Clarkiis spend time in both of them, but more in the original--its just bigger.
  17. rwhite

    Favite questions

    I understand that favites are relatively easy to keep as long as they get enough light/flow. Just wondering how true this was. I've done searches on the board and havent found much info on them other than the above and that they can be aggressive toward neighboring corals. We love the look of...
  18. rwhite

    Mating clownfish

    Only time will tell. It took ours FOREVER (4 mos or so) to decide. A beautiful thing when it happens.
  19. rwhite

    Clowns & Damsels

    Well, I agree on keeping the bioload down. We have a 4-Stripe and a Yellow tail with our 2 Clarkiis and a coral beauty and neon dotty all in a 55 gal. I feel like I'm pushing the limits, but anyway back to the point. We had the 4-stripe from the beginning and then a little later the Y-tail...
  20. rwhite

    Brittle/serpent star questions.

    Now I'm confused. I thought the green variety may be bad, but black/brown would be okay. And red serpents are the "bad" guys of their group. Help:confused: