Search results

  1. keith gray

    coraline algae ?

    I know that coraline algae is supposed to be good for your tank and is of course pretty too. IS all coraline the real light purple color or is some of it darker ? I was in a fish store the other day and he had so much on the back of one of his DTs that it almost looked globbed or painted on. It...
  2. keith gray

    Getting rid of anthelia with pickling lime

    Its funny you say that- my teenage son has a biocube and lets it go all the time. He never keeps up with water changes and other maintenance like I do. Sometimes I get so fed up I wrestle with teaching him the responsibility vs. just doing myself so I don't have to look at it anymore. but the...
  3. keith gray

    phosphates in frozen food ?

    I am going to try to start rinsing my frozen food with RO, but what about the cylopeze. I feed my corals once a day with this and it seems to really help them. But that stuff is so fine, will it not go through the net when I rinse the water out ?
  4. keith gray

    Getting rid of anthelia with pickling lime

    Kind of funny how this hobby works. I have all kinds of LPS thriving in my tank, but can not grow anthalia to save my life. It shrinks and looks like small pieces of used bubble gum on a rock, lol...... I want some and you want to get rid of it like its a pest ...........
  5. keith gray

    phosphates in frozen food ?

    You say this is not all you have done. WHat else have you done to control phosphates ? I am using Seachem Gel and it seems to help. I probably need to change it out a little more often than what the bottle suggests, but it seems to help
  6. keith gray

    cuc reccomendations

    What does everyone have as a cuc ? What kind of snails and or crabs ? What is best on algae, how about cyano ?
  7. keith gray

    phosphates in frozen food ?

    Does anyone know if most frozen foods contain phosphates ? If so, how do you feed your fish ? Right now I put some water from the DT into a small container and drop the frozen food in. Once it is melted I use a turkey baster to feed. This of course puts all of the water bank in the tank too. If...
  8. keith gray

    flow question

    I am assuming flow is playing into the equation because I don't see how I could have excess nutrients. I only feed once a day. What else could be causing this ?
  9. keith gray

    uv - yes or no ?!!!!

    I do not have a UV sterilizer. I am told they help with parasites and keeping the fish healthier. Does it control anything else like phosphates, nitrates, etc. ? How about algae control or any other plusses. I am willing to spend the money if it is something that may really be beneficial. I...
  10. keith gray

    flow question

    I have a 75 gallon with mostly LPS, live rock, sand, 2 clowns and a hippo. I have one koralia that pushes 750 gph. I think my return pump is around 200 gph can't remeber exactly. but I do get dead spots which causes some algae and cyano. I have order another Koralia 750 that should be here this...
  11. keith gray

    Let's get creepy

    Just wondered what anyone did out there to avoid salt creep or control it ? Do you wipe it off with a wet rag and try to dispose of it or do you simply push it back into your tank ? Can it raise your salinity to any significant degree if you just get it oun your hand and clean it off of your...
  12. keith gray

    I'm in Algae Purgatory, HELP!!!!

    If you figure it out let me know. Until then I don't know what else to do. I don't want to continue to hijack threads over this
  13. keith gray

    I'm in Algae Purgatory, HELP!!!!

    Someboedy help. For weeks now I can only reply to threads. When I try to start a new thread no text box comes up. I have sent a couple of emails to but no one will reply to me. I can not enjoy this site like used to ! Any ideas ?!!!
  14. keith gray

    I'm in Algae Purgatory, HELP!!!!

    Flower, When you say rinse the frozen food what do you mean. I soak my frozen cubes in water from tank and maybe add some garlic guard. Then I feed with baster. Do you just rinse it off with RO water real quick then drop it in other wtaer or what ? If you have a simple way to reduce phosphates...
  15. keith gray

    coral ID please

    Looks like a sponge to me
  16. keith gray

    what will eat majano

    I have been fairly successful with Aptasia X but I wanted something that could help "control" new aptasia and therefore make it a little easier on me. In other words, less work for me while some critter gets to eat. I guess I could try the shrimp you suggested thanks
  17. keith gray

    what will eat majano

    I brought home a rock from my LFS and now have majono(sp?) aptasia in several places. Anyone know of a fish that will eat this stuff ?
  18. keith gray

    updgrade - biowheel ?

    I have not set the tank up yet but the biowheel is in the sump under the display tank
  19. keith gray

    nano tank Help

    My son has a 14 biocube. It is very easy to take care of and stays very quiet. Everything is built into it. ...easy
  20. keith gray

    updgrade - biowheel ?

    I currently have a 65gl with compacts. I am upgrading to a 75 gal with 500 watts of metal halides. This is a used systemt that I am buying from my LFS. The sump has a biowheel. I am not familiar with these. Anybody out there have expereince with this or have an opinion on them ?