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  1. stachy

    This Or That???

    Starwars - yes Curley or reg FRIES?
  2. stachy

    lidless tank

    I've never used my glass top, and no salt creep since starting in Dec 04.
  3. stachy

    Info on selling LR

    someone in the midwest is looking for LR. Hope this helps.
  4. stachy

    live rock/base rock request MIDWEST!!!

    Check out this post, Not sure where the rock is located.
  5. stachy

    Info on selling LR

    $500 for 60lbs of LR? Someone took you to the cleaners. However, $150 is about the going rate for one line purchase, plus Shipping of course. I would still try to list it the classified section if you already haven't. Good luck!
  6. stachy

    Any Live Rock Setup Pictures

    Mojoreef, Wow!!!! Now thats what I Call a Tank. What are the Spec's
  7. stachy

    Who knew this hobbie was HAZARDOUS to your health!!!!

    Priceless indeed.
  8. stachy

    Who knew this hobbie was HAZARDOUS to your health!!!!

    Only 5, 1 for every hour at the E.R. I've decieded to buy pre cut pieces from now on. I have since found out that there is a shop locally that cuts as you wait for $2.37 sf. Way cheaper than ER visit plus several doctor follow ups.
  9. stachy

    Who knew this hobbie was HAZARDOUS to your health!!!!

    It was only hanging on by a small piece of skin. It never hurt though. The doc said I severed the nerve. I cant feel anything past the injury site.
  10. stachy

    What is hidding in this picture?

    Originally Posted by chrismunn is there an algae (lawnmower) blenny in the middle of the picture? Yes????? No????
  11. stachy

    Who knew this hobbie was HAZARDOUS to your health!!!!

    Found out the hard way 2 days ago. Cutting a piece of Acrillic for a DIY fuge/sump. Good thing it was a new blade in the utility knife.
  12. stachy

    Any Live Rock Setup Pictures

    72 gal bow front, 90 lbs of LR and 30 lbs LS.
  13. stachy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Originally Posted by romeofoeve Worms, i dont have the id for them. Its a Peanut worm, GOOD>
  14. stachy

    My 90gal Reef! Please Read!!

    OK ... 1st get rid of the Camel back shrimp... they are not reef safe... From another site: "It usually tolerates other shrimp, but may nip at colonial anemones, disc anemones, and soft leather corals. It generally leaves bubble coral and stinging anemones alone." I agree, trade in the camel...
  15. stachy

    and now for all us reefers enjoyment, i present to you

    Some one sigh hin up for a record deal. Thats the first Hip-Hop shrimp I've ever seen. Nice tank by the way.
  16. stachy

    Miracle Mud, LS or both?

  17. stachy

    Chico people i know youre here....

    I live in Sac and may have some frags to trade. I'll take a pic tomoraw when the lights are on. Pink zoa, Zena, and tree leather.
  18. stachy

    My 90gal Reef! Please Read!!

    How about an overall Pic!
  19. stachy

    Miracle Mud, LS or both?

    I am setting up a 29 gal fuge/sump for my 72 bow front, and was wondering which media to but into the fuge. Live rock, Miracle Mud, or may be even both. I find that the MM is quite pricey and was wondering if both would be ok mixed together or If I should use them alone? By the way MM is about...