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  1. stachy

    Sizes of Frags

    I would rather tade than sell. If your interested either e-mail me - or post in this thread. I would like to see some pics of your potential trades. ( things I dont need: Zenia, Frog spawn, colt leather, or green star polyp. ) Anything else would be a good possible trade...
  2. stachy

    Sizes of Frags

    They are ready now, I have 3 to trade. About 12 ployps each frag.
  3. stachy

    Sizes of Frags

    A good size frag for Zoa's is 10 -12 polyp geen star- 1-2in in length 1in wide. If you can put up some pics of your zoa's I might be interested in trading some frags. I have several colors ready to frag myself, Including this pink one.
  4. stachy

    Please help with refugium set up

    Originally Posted by Laddy I like the 'T' on the feed side. A quick question on flow to the fuge......what percentage of water being fed gets T'd over to the fuge? In mine about 30 %, I want slow water movement thur it.
  5. stachy

    Help ID

    Thats them, thanks for the ID.
  6. stachy

    Serpent Star Chows DOWN

    You'd think they had a 6th sence, the way they know when food is introduced. We've named our JP short for jiffy pop.
  7. stachy

    Help ID

    not convinced that there Hydroid jelly's. I did some searching on google and could not find anything like these under Hydroid jellyfish. Maybe some other advise? Here is another close up. I've taken them out to be safe either way.
  8. stachy


    Here are two good set ups. Easy to DIY with glass Aqua.
  9. stachy

    Help ID

    They are all clumped together and look like the weeds that you find in your lawn and blow the seeds for good luck. About the same size too.
  10. stachy

    Please help with refugium set up

    here is my set up!
  11. stachy

    New Critter...

  12. stachy

    Who knew this hobbie was HAZARDOUS to your health!!!!

    anyone got pics of there own?
  13. stachy

    My Chemical Levels

    I would wait at least 30 days, and you will need rock or good hiding places for it to be happy. I read your profile and I think the only Lion you can keep in a 30 gal is a Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish. Youe readings look good today but wait unitl...
  14. stachy

    Anyone Watch American Idol??

    I think I'm in love with CARRIE!
  15. stachy


    I tested my bosses tank today and it read as follows. Nitrate 10 Nitrite 0 Phosphate .5 Ammonia 0 Calcium 500+ ( high???) PH 8.2 Alkalinity 4.23 ???? tested it twice KH in DKH 11.8 Is he doing everything OK or should I Help him from now on. ( I THINK HE IS JUST...
  16. stachy

    This Or That???

    Hurricane, at least you have warning! ski or snowboard?
  17. stachy

    Who knew this hobbie was HAZARDOUS to your health!!!!

    I'd use protection if I were you next time U put yoyur hand in the tank, you have have alligeries to something. Either way your better off wrapping it up!
  18. stachy

    amazing shrinking shroons

    give it time to get used to its new invironment. I have one shroom that didn't open for several days, and every time it gets startled it shrinks back up for a day or two. I have high in my tank, allthough I'm not sure this is the best placment.
  19. stachy

    Xbox360 Or Playstation 3

    I ve heard that the Sony will be far better, but the X-box is comming out in nov -dec, where the sony isn't comming out until spring 06. I will buy the x-box when it comes out then probally trade it in when the sony comes out.
  20. stachy

    This Or That???

    Sport bike ( rice rocket ) or Cruser ( HD )