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  1. tracymace1229

    phosphate test question

    my api phosphate test kit works my Red Sea KH test was bad. The reagent was bad and they sent me another one. Now my API and Red Sea KH tests match. My Red Sea and API PH test match as well. This can show you that some of the cheaper testing supplies like API and Red Sea can expire...
  2. tracymace1229

    killer goby?

    I wanted to test if my engineer goby would eat some peppermint I bought some feeder shrimp/ghost shrimp. I acclimated them to salt water and put them in...a couple nights later no more ghost Im pretty sure he ate them. I wont be purchasing any shrimp for that tank!!
  3. tracymace1229

    Shoaling fish for main DT

    Hey all, My tank has cycled...all my old LR, LS, and fish have acclamated well to the new bigger system. I think I have narrowed what I want to have as the main attraction in my DT. {sorry Centropyge heraldi you will have to take 2nd seat!!} Heniochus Butterflyfish or Bannerfish Will choose from...
  4. tracymace1229

    does Macro Algea really solve the Nitrate issue if...

    Hey all, I have a couple refugiums that I grow different species of Caluerpa and chateo. something that came to mind last week while I was harvesting some for my angel to eat. I never harvest the algea and dispose of it...It can barely keep up with the hungry appetites of my fish. So I was...
  5. tracymace1229

    Engineer Goby Owners

    ours is almost 2 years old {since the LFS got him} He is a sand sifter, rarely gets to the food in time and almost never seen anything but his head for over a year. Moved him to a new tank without the competition for food...he is fattening up finally {still about 7 inches long ...poor bugger...
  6. tracymace1229

    crazy thing in my tank

    I added some new live rock to one of the DT from the sump that I got last week. When I was finished, I saw what seems to be the same type of worm. It doesn't look anything like any sand sifting star appendage. It is about 5.5 inches long and can travel about a couple inches a minute. I doubt...
  7. tracymace1229

    sumps and drains

    I think the lfs guy helped me out with some of the flow issues and the use of a bleeder line back to the sump.
  8. tracymace1229

    sumps and drains

    Hello, I was gluing some of the pipework when I thought that my drain plan was something of a problem. I did some research on the net and found that I do have a problem. I have a 220 set up to use a Aqua Supreme 1800 in sump pump with a head height of 6.5 feet. 3/4" return line with UV offshoot...
  9. tracymace1229

    Anyone ever heard of an ecoaqualizer?

    look Thread necromancy!! lol
  10. tracymace1229

    What do you think? {which eel?}

    After some preliminary searching: Am looking into these species with some damsels in the tank. Which one would you pick? Chainlink Eel {Echidna catenata} Ghost Eel {Uropterygius concolor} Banded Moray Eel {Myrichthys colubrinus} or Fimbriated Moray Eel {Gymnothorax fimbriatus} thanks
  11. tracymace1229

    220 tank and angels

    what I meant was the range of the S.G. I know many aquarist keep the S.G. low {1.021-1.025} Most sea water is in the range of 1.025. The Red Sea area has a S.G. of 1.028 to 1.032 If I Remember correctly. Anyhow when I searched some info online for info on those site...
  12. tracymace1229

    Coral Beauty Angelfish

    The vermiculated angel also has a very very specialized diet of sponges. Unlike many of the other pygmy angels, they are notorius for being difficult to keep. I have heard that it may take weeks for them to come out from hiding when introduced to the tank. I highly suggest that the vermiculated...
  13. tracymace1229

    220 tank and angels

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Sucks butterflies are out, a trio of Semilarvatus butterflies would be awesome in that tank.... just curious I read up on those buttlerflies and see they are much hardier than others. But don't they all come from the Red Sea? If so I would have to keep the...
  14. tracymace1229

    new tank stocking wish list

    thanks all Even though the 220 could be a home for the grouper later on...we have decided against one and the lionfish too. I would go for a dwarf lionfish, but would be afraid that the eel would eventually gobble him up the input is greatly appreciated I hope to have the tanks up an running my...
  15. tracymace1229

    Truth About Caulerpa

    Last year I got some. Was told it grew fast. Wow it grew fast. I tried to prune it back, but it kept getting in my rocks and I panicked. I broke down the tank and add a refugium/sump to put it in. Still could not get rid of the bits left on the rocks. I read a little. Not enough as I...
  16. tracymace1229

    cyanobacteria Q's

    When my tank was about 10 months old, I had a bunch of the red slime algea starting everywhere. After reading a bit, I took up one suggestion. I turned off all aquaria lights for 3 days. I still turned on the refugium light at night. It was gone...I mean...all gone! I think I have some coming...
  17. tracymace1229

    Seahorse Compatibility Chart

    first of all I have never had seahorses, so bar my ignorance. My engineer goby is so very much passive and a timid eater. Sure his is 7" long and about 2 years old, but seems my most peaceful tankmate. Engineer Gobies are of course nocturnal, mostly. I have heard stories of them eating smaller...
  18. tracymace1229

    Flame Hawk and Engineer Goby

    last summer my Flame Hawk of 10+ months up and died. I found him behind my live rock in a corner. he was about 3 inches long. He was a wonderfully adapted bugger and was shocked when he died. I had not introduced any new fish or live foods for months. I was just reading about Engineer Gobies...
  19. tracymace1229

    220 tank and angels

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper is your tank long and wide? long and tall? short and tall? 72" x24" x 30" with a sump any other ideas for fish? kjr_trig doesn't have to be angels or tangs. Would like to stay away from butterflies though
  20. tracymace1229

    220 tank and angels

    Looking through some books last nite I am interested in larger schooling fish...maybe 4 powder blue surgeonfish.. In a 220....what would be a good choice to have 3-5 of the same fish that would still permit a few other community fish???