I personally wouldent recommend any starfish except baby asterina or a brittle star.Any other type will slowly starve unless that are in a HUGE system.my 2 cents
probably just a typical bristle worm.Fire worms have blood red gills and frills.Try to post a picture if you can.99% of the time bristle worms are a benefit to your system
And sudc,just because someone has a million posts dosent mean they have any more knowledge then someone with a couple hundred.Like i said before i missed the part on the linkia i dunno how but i overlooked it.
And sorry people it was late and i read the part on his post somehow about the linkia lol.I would drip acclimate starfish but nothing else is really necessary.
lol its funny how everyones says that is bad advice yet this starfish wont live in his system for longr then 6 months.Give some good advice and tell him not to even get this species.
the exoskeleton would be white not brown.And if it was receeding you would clearly be able to see white.I know tons of people that have ''tried'' to keep this coral like everyone else.imo its a waste of time.