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  1. nicetry

    mixing angels

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Some might say your 100gal is a bit small for just the Sailfin, let alone mixing in some angels. Originally Posted by kjr_trig There are some nice angels that would do well in a 100, but none of the Pomacanthus angels (the 3 you listed all being that genus)...
  2. nicetry

    The Few...the Proud....

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 if remember right the basic in the marines is almost double time to the other friend showed me a scrap book of his training .his instructor looked like he was only 5' 10" and 130 friend said it would take 5 guys to put a scratch on him in a...
  3. nicetry

    The Few...the Proud....

    Originally Posted by nissan577 pics say 1998 on april 16! SEMPER FI! I was so close to becoming a marine myself. having a recruiter and everything ready. but i found my love, life, passion for the marine aquatice life. if i dont accomplish my goals i will do my best to become a United States...
  4. nicetry

    The Few...the Proud....

    standing with his senior drill instructor older brother who is in the Navy some of his fellow Marines Thanks for looking.
  5. nicetry

    The Few...the Proud....

    Our new Marine! Graduated on Friday from recruit training at Parris Island. Meritorious promotion to private first class. Selected to be the series guide for 4 of the 7 platoons of Alpha Company. He accompanied the series gunnery sgt during the ceremony. He's the one carrying the red flag...
  6. nicetry

    Blue spotted jawfish

    In the past, there were issues of many of them coming in with bacterial infectons and they died early on. Recent batches seem to be faring a bit better. As mentioned, be sure the fish looks healthy and is eating.
  7. nicetry

    Butterfly Feeding?

    Many of the captive butterflies will eat a variety of foods commonly available. You can buy packaged frozen clam at a well stocked lfs or purchase fresh whole clams from a grocer. Mysis, pellets, flake, occasional bloodworms, minced scallop, squid and mussel are also good. Many will devour nori...
  8. nicetry

    Do Jawfish normally eat flakes?

    Mine never took to flake food and would simply spit it out. You're better off offering them a good meaty diet. I would feed them mysis, bloodworms, occasional brine shrimp, finely minced clam, and some pellets, which they may or may not like. Try things like Marine Cuisine and Emerald Entree' too.
  9. nicetry

    Jawfish Pair question..

    Leave the jawfish to set up shop where they want to. I kept a mated pair for a few years and they maintained the same burrow. By trying to force them to make a den where you can se it, you only stress them and this leads to many other problems. Don't "gently destroy" one of their dens so the...
  10. nicetry

    Christmas songs you HATE!

    The ones that make you simultaneously puke and reach for the car radio dial to change the station as fast as you can. On my list; Christmas Shoes I want a hippopotamus for Christmas Grandma got run over by a reindeer I saw mommy kissing santa clause anything by elvis or the chipmunks Feliz Navidad
  11. nicetry

    Mandarin dead

    Sadly, the fish will probably die of starvation within a month. Not only is your system much too small to sustain the live food source these fish require, you also have a sixline which will compete for this same live food.
  12. nicetry

    Jawfish ... sandbed question ...

    The deeper the better. IMO/IME two inches is too shallow for them to make a suitable burrow. In nature, they make vertical burrows in open areas where there is coral/live rock rubble. Having too shallow a bed forces them to make unsuitable homes under rocks. If they can't conceal themselves...
  13. nicetry

    Veterans day.

    My dad, (now deceased) as a young 18 y.o in WWII My oldest son who is in the Navy Middle son, also 18 is currently at USMC REcruit Training in Parris Island. He was made platoon leader of 77 other recruits. Semper Fi!
  14. nicetry

    new to sait water

    A 10 gallon tank is on the small side for a pair of clowns. A small goby would work and maybe a yellow tail damsel and a few inverts. Add a shallow layer of sand and some pieces of live rock. Simply let the tank cycle w/o fish for a few weeks and test your water every few days. Add a small pinch...
  15. nicetry

    Halloween is coming! Setting up Eerie Manor

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Love it nicetry!!!! Can't wait to see more pics! I'll be sure to post more as I set it up. Thanks! Originally Posted by DragonZim Looks great! Question... Is the iron fence itself part of the display or is it your actual fence? The fence is made from wood and...
  16. nicetry

    Halloween is coming! Setting up Eerie Manor

    A few more!
  17. nicetry

    Halloween is coming! Setting up Eerie Manor

    Took advantage of the beautiful fall weather and started setting up our Halloween Dsiplay. Eerie Manor is our walk through haunt that attracts over 600 trick or treaters each year, and at least two news channels. This is the front yard cemetery scene. Still need to do the funeral parlor and the...
  18. nicetry

    Need Help: Aggressive Six-line Wrasse

    My experience with six lines (and I've kept a few) is that they have the potential to be little tyrants and can harm/kill other fish. My sense is that the wrasse will pester the dottyback to death, literally. I had the same experience with a six line and a sankey's dottyback. They were fine...
  19. nicetry

    stock question

    In a tank that size, having established damsels can be a real challenge. They will likely torment anything new added. A lovely little fish that can hold it's own is a sankey's dottyback. Black and white, relatively peaceful and a good community fish (one of the more peaceful dottybacks). You...
  20. nicetry

    Blue Tang Paralyzed on one side - HELP

    The fish will surely die if you keep it in a glass jar for long. If you don't have a quarantine tank set up, put the tang back in your main system. Have you checked your water parameters? How long have you had the tang? How large is it? Other tank mates? Please post more info.