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  1. nicetry

    Baby blue hippo

    At that tiny size, the mortality rates are very high. Personally, I'd wait for a larger, more robust specimen.
  2. nicetry


    Give it a variety of meaty foods; chopped scallop, squid, octopus, raw shrimp with the shell on, silversides, chunks of clam, small pieces of boneless whitefish, etc.. Avoid using krill except as an occasional treat.
  3. nicetry

    NEw Lionfish... NEED HELP!

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper I was at a LFS and they had two large V lions. They were pointed straight looking into the air. They would swim a little. Then start to point up again. I was there a few weeks ago and they were doing it then as well. Do they normally do this? It's not...
  4. nicetry

    I think my chromis has Lymphocystis

    If it is lymph, it will clear up on it's own in time, with good water, good diet and low stress. I'd simply keep an eye on it for awhile.
  5. nicetry

    V-Lion Found Dead This Morning????

    Doubtful the tank size was a factor. An 8 inch lion would be fine for quite some time in a 75. Rather sedentary fish and you had awhile before it maxed out in size. Tough to say with the color loss. Was the puffer bothering the lion at all? Might have been an internal problem. Krill is realy...
  6. nicetry


    Originally Posted by watersalt I have ich in my tank. I started to notice it a week ago. Wasn't sure what it was then, but now I know. I have 5 damsels, 1 p. puffer, 1 snowflake eel, 5 hermit crabs, 1 sandsifting starfish, and 1 anenome. 2 of the damsels are infected so far. I don't have a QT...
  7. nicetry

    NEw Lionfish... NEED HELP!

    If the lion was only fed live feeders, it may take awhile to wean it to frozen foods but be patient and don't give in to the temptation to feed it goldfish or other freshwater feeders. Offer it small pieces of scallop, table shrimp with the shell on, boneless whitefish, clam, octo, squid...
  8. nicetry

    Lions living together

    Originally Posted by trainman how about two different types of lions, i have a v.lion and my wife really likes the fuzzys. my lfs says they would be ok but might have trouble feeding the fuzzy being the volt is so aggresive at feeding times. Risky. A large sized volitans can and will eat a...
  9. nicetry

    Most $$$$ Jumper

    Originally Posted by joe____17 Why do most sw jump anyway? Would they do that naturally in the ocean? Certain fish like wrasses, gobies, jawfish, are more skittish than many, and it doesn't take much to make them launch. A sudden scare, trying to get away from an aggressor, etc.. Many eels...
  10. nicetry

    Most $$$$ Jumper

    Also my male lineatus. $175.00 fish at the time. Got through a 2 inch by 3 inch opening.
  11. nicetry

    first not Lymphocyctis?

    Originally Posted by ca161406 well it appears that the lympho is gone. but it still hasnt eaten from what i have noticed. still active and all but im just worried its going to catch up to it eventually if he dont start eating So it was eating while in quarantine but isn't now? What are you...
  12. nicetry

    Stock for new 125 DT

    Originally Posted by bigal0221 Hello everyone, I am getting ready for the fun part! This is my first saltwater tank and I am very anxious to get started. I will have the 125 DT setup this weekend, I am adding cured live rock, live sand, sump, protein skimmer, etc... I already have a 29g QT...
  13. nicetry

    Stock help.

    A 30 is really not suited to most dwarf angels with the exception of the pygmy varieties. A pair of clowns, a pygmy angel and one of the smaller bottom dwelling gobies would make for a nice set-up. Angels do best in well established tanks so add it last, after the system has been running for a...
  14. nicetry

    What to feed lions????

    Originally Posted by SYNJAY6661 I heard Crickets are good is that true? ive never tried but i was wondering Crickets won't hurt them, and they are a live prey so the lions take to them readily, but it's not a natural food for them. I'd stick with meaty ocean foods.
  15. nicetry

    Need help picking out new fish

    I'd consider a small harem of flasher wrasses. Lots of color and movement. An Atlantiic Blue tang will be much too large for your tank. Sixlines are nice little fish but they can become quite nasty once established, even to other fish in place before them. The fairy wrasse would be a good choice...
  16. nicetry

    Humu Humu Trigger & Shrimps

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 they are probably the least agressive of all the triggers Really inaccurate info. Members of this genus are among the more aggressive triggers Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I suggest you do some research before you start this tank up, and be more patient...
  17. nicetry

    Anglefish in a 29?

    Originally Posted by AuroraDrvr A single Centropyge Argi (Pygmy Angel) should work. Agreed. Any members of the argi complex would be suited to a tank this size. The cherub, flameback, etc..
  18. nicetry

    What to feed lions????

    Originally Posted by sk8fergy Ok, the lion ive wanted is at the lfs and in qt. I know what the lfs says to feed it and what this website says but im curious as to what the people on here recommend. I want it to be healthy and any and all suggestions will be at least tried. Its a dwarf fuzzy...
  19. nicetry

    Christmas gifts

  20. nicetry

    Tomini Tang in a 46g?

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Do ya'll have a Tomini?? I have 2. They are not major cruisers. I understand the BIG tank philosophy on most tangs. Please don't bunch all Tangs into 1 category. I've kept one in my 120. While not as schizophrenic as a yellow/purple or kole, it was active...