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  1. nicetry

    Thanksgiving T-minus 6 days

    I still have jack o lanterns on my porch.
  2. nicetry

    Do Children of same gender marriages have more of a tendency to become GAY?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr I would say most likely because they are constantly surrounded by it and might disrupt their "moral compass" without an opportunity to make their own decisions that the home of a "normal" heterosexual relationship might offer. How then can you explain a child...
  3. nicetry

    Save the BIG 3 or let them fail?

    My son recently got in a minor accident in our '03 Dodge Durango. He cracked the amber turn signal lens and it needs to be replaced. I called the dealership today to see what it would cost; an 8 inch by 3 inch piece of plastic $146.00! This is nothing short of criminal. Some guy with a high...
  4. nicetry

    angels and butterflys with crabs and shrimp?

    Crabs and shrimp are not bothered by angels or butterflies.
  5. nicetry

    Tomini Tang in a 46g?

    The post title asks if it's okay to have this fish in a 46, yet you already have it. If you're looking for validation, you'll get some, but your tank isn't suited to this fish long term. This is a fish that will easily hit 6 inches, and like all other surgeon fish, they are active. Since you...
  6. nicetry

    majestic angelfish not eating

    Describe this "parasite" you're seeing. What does it look like? IME, the angel should have been eating by now. It may be intimidated by the other fish. It may be sick as well. What condition is the fish in? Full bodied or pinched/thin? Fins in good shape? Clear eyes? You can try some finely...
  7. nicetry

    Sixline compatible with other wrasses?

    From experience, I would be very hesitant to add another wrasse to a tank with an established sixline. A larger fairy wrasse might be okay, but sixlines are notoriously territorial and will often attack and even kill other wrasses, particularly smaller flasher wrasses. Tank size can be a factor...
  8. nicetry

    Yellow Tang

    Check your pH first. Low pH can bring this on. Sometimes a couple of large water changes using well aged/aerated saltwater can do the trick. Otherwise, antibiotic therapy is indicated. Do you have a quarantine tank?
  9. nicetry

    Son's Navy Graduation

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Wow, it looks like they fixed up the drill hall a bit, looks rather nice there. Looks like he is going into some air related field, that should be fun. The drill hall was very nice. He's actually going to be in construction with the Seabees. Originally Posted by...
  10. nicetry

    Son's Navy Graduation

    Some pics from the ceremony last week. There were 972 sailors that graduated. Awesome ceremony! My son now goes to Gulfport for A school.
  11. nicetry

    2 Black Saddleback Clownfish and a sixline wrasse

    I would select a small peaceful goby instead of the sixline, that will likely begin to exhibit aggression in this small of a system. They are extremely active and do better in tanks that offer more space IMO.
  12. nicetry

    Majestic angel in a 90???

    Having kept one in my 120 for the past couple years and watched it grow from 3 to 5 inches, I will offer my opinion that the fish needs a larger system. Watching it put size/girth on, and seeing the angel attitude becoming more evident, I don't foresee keeping this fish much longer. While not as...
  13. nicetry

    Any old friends still here???

    Hey wamp, from another ex mod! In a previous life I was jwtrojan. Rendos posts at --. Rye stopped by a few mos ago with a random post but I haven't seen him since. I thought of you awhile back while reading a moorish idol thread and I remember your story about the lfs who had one in some...
  14. nicetry

    Any Butterflies?

    There are no butterflies that would do well in a tank that size. Minimum for even the smaller species would be 55 or above.
  15. nicetry

    Banning fireworks in CA and maybe NV.

    Another reason for fireworks restrictions. Accidents from fireworks can be permanantly disfiguring or even fatal. Please do not allow kids to handle fireworks. Many adults are also careless. MOD EDIT~~ sorry but that pic was WAY to graphic for this site. I understand what it was meant for but it...
  16. nicetry


    Read the FAQ's at the top of the forum that explain the parasite and it's life cycle. Any fish exposed is at risk.
  17. nicetry

    Yellow Tang in a 90g?

    IMO, a kole would be a better choice. Not as active/schizophrenic as a yellow but a good grazer and a nice looking fish as well. FWIW, I kept a kole in my 120 (5 foot tank) and it could have used more space. If you add the tang, nix the foxface; too big. A fairy wrasse would work well.
  18. nicetry

    Tangs????? Need help choosing??

    Don't rely on any fish to eat your hair al;gae. Many won't touch it. HA is caused by various factors; lights, high nutrient content, over feeding, tap water, under skimming, etc.. Treat the cause and not just the symptoms.
  19. nicetry

    Contest: posts per day

    Originally Posted by ci11337 go to your profile and see how many posts per day you have. Person with the most wins! What do we win?
  20. nicetry

    help with a psychotic purple tang

    Make the tang your centerpiece fish and fill the tank with various small dither fish like clowns, chromis, blennies, gobies, etc.. PT's are among the most aggressive of the family and can be very intolerant of any other similar sized fish. You could move the tang out to a separate holding tank...