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  1. pelena

    Worm like hitchhicker

    I think its a tiger tail or similar. It is lighter than the one in the picture and has a few bands. Doesn't seen to have tube feet, it stretches out to climb. Doesn't seem to be able to climb the glass. Seen it as small as 1.5in and streched to 5in. About pinky width in girth. Any body got...
  2. pelena

    LR and Lighting

    Ca shouldn't be a problem, and the rest are of good quality. Any other reasons I should be loosing color?
  3. pelena

    Things growing out of my LR

    Salty Cheese, how difficult is it to care for the club algae? Is that a pic from your tank? I like it!
  4. pelena

    Favorite movies

    Thomas...IMO the best Robin Hood is Disney's, sorry Erroll Flynn. Explorers, Northshore, Herald and Maud, and movies about Pirates (even The Pirates of Penznace, its hilarious) "howz it, sista, da kine, your so prid" - Turtle quote from northshore
  5. pelena

    LR and Lighting

    55gal tanks are about 48in right? I have two fixtures, each 24in. I searched alot and it doesn't seem like lighting matters too much for coraline algea, but not much was said for how I can keep the color.
  6. pelena

    LR and Lighting

    I have a FOWLR and do not plan on getting corals or anenomes. All I have now is regular flourecent lighting. The purple colors on my LR have seemed to fade. Am I going to end up with DR (dead rock) without better lighting? How can I keep the vibrant colors? If I buy MH bulbs can I just put...
  7. pelena

    DIY Protien Skimmer?

    hey, where's the pic. I'm interested. you gotta shrink it to 500x500 or smaller.
  8. pelena


    Acid rain. (the ocean has a larger buffer/tolerance than a tank- sewers empty into the ocean too, but Im not going to poop in my tank). It's typically a problem everywhere. I guess you coudl collect some and test the pH and maybe other perameters. Just make sure its not comming from off your...
  9. pelena

    DIY Protien Skimmer?

    Not trying to be cheap, but I find it fun to DIY. Any one know how to build one? I searched but it was overwhelming. Haven't had much time to think it out yet either.
  10. pelena

    Top 10 reasons a Saltwater tank is better than TV

    3D image with better than HDTV quality...and no goofy glasses! (and cheaper than Plasma sreens....sometimes...OK rarely....OK fine, nevermind about the cheaper part.)
  11. pelena

    How to Catch Fish a Fish 101

    Are there any "collectors" out there with tips on catching your own aquarium fish from the ocean (where it's permitted)?:happyfish
  12. pelena

    tank cycle

    cycle questions I had with answers Try this it helped me with what I thought I already knew.
  13. pelena

    Top 10 reasons a Saltwater tank is better than TV

    Originally posted by MonaLisa what WAS the last time I learned anything from the Simpson's???? OK, now don't get carried away. What would life be like without the Simpson's? Unless its for food, The Simpsons may be my only distraction from the tank. PS-Mona Lisa, you must have learned that...
  14. pelena

    Look At My Algae Problem

    sorry to say this now, but... You probably should have addressed this problem a long time ago. Good luck. ps-not trying to be a jerk, just advice for next time.
  15. pelena

    Lemon Juice

    i heard that hot water could make them explode and multiply if not done right, so I combined the two techniques.
  16. pelena

    live sand strait from the ocean?

    you have to get it from deep eneough water where its clean. Of the beach is a bad idea (pollutants). Also, I know florida has strict laws, so you better check it out first or you could be paying a healthy fee for your sand. Works great if you do it right. Good luck hauling it back to shore...
  17. pelena

    Top 10 reasons a Saltwater tank is better than TV

    #6 or wheterver your on... You're the producer/executive/ceo/set designer/janitor/etc. PS - I'm flashlight dork too!
  18. pelena

    Top 10 reasons a Saltwater tank is better than TV

    #6 or wheterver your on... You're the producer/executive/ceo/set designer/janitor/etc. PS - I'm a flashlight dork too!
  19. pelena

    Lemon Juice

    Not a myth. I agree that lemon juice is an acid and has potential to lower pH, but your substrate and rock is a buffer and will help prevent change. How much lemon juice were you planning oon adding anyways? I got rid of aptaisia by boiling lemon juice in a cup, sucking some up with a plastic...
  20. pelena

    I need a chemist...

    Your welcome:D