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  1. pelena

    Brownish algae?

    I thought I read something about this marking the upcoming end of a cycle. it this true? After this happens will a good cleaning crew will clear most if it up?
  2. pelena

    More cycle questions

    So, the idea here is to get bacteria to grow, right? Whatever way you do it...ammonia peaks first, right? Then Nitrites peak as ammonia drops, correct? Am I right in saying this is when you should remove the shrimp/damsels/mollys/whatever else people use? If you used a hearty fish and they...
  3. pelena

    Are Barnacles OK?

    If you add live rock with little white barnacles that have fingerish fans that go in and out rapidly, is this Good, Bad, or Useless?
  4. pelena

    Ammonia 0, Nitrite >3.3, End cycle?

    What the heck. I guess I should of done the dead shrimp thing. Trying to cycle a tank and it's taking forever. I have a 55 gal tank, LS, LR (maybe only 25 lbs right now). The tank has 5 small (1.5 in) silvery fish, and 5 sm hermits that I got from a tide pool. Oh, the LR was uncured and was...
  5. pelena

    Explain where your user name originated

    It means "cracker" in Hawaiian.
  6. pelena

    Cleaning crew, before or after cycle

    Yeah, I took out the UG filter and rearranged things alittle bit. The water already cleared up alot. I guess I'll test the water in a few days. Does algal growth really mean that the cycle is comming to an end?
  7. pelena

    Cleaning crew, before or after cycle

    so how much livestock or shrimp is recommended for a 55gal?
  8. pelena

    Cleaning crew, before or after cycle

    thats what I thoght. I have a friend whose tank has been through the cycle about 2 mo ago and he needs soom hermies so Ill pass them along. I guess with the couple of fishes I have also. I thought though that the damsels or other ultra hardy fish were supposed to help start the cycle by...
  9. pelena

    Cleaning crew, before or after cycle

    Presently I have a few (5-6) hermits, boxing shrimp, and some new little critters from my LR. Should I wait for the cycle to complete before adding more or just put in a bunch more hermies and some snails? I thought I read (couldn't find it again if I did) that I should add the crew after I...
  10. pelena

    Mangrove Question?

    I heard that Mangroves are an excelent filtration helper. Most stuff I read sounded like they are in Sumps or specailzed types of tank systems. Anyone know if it would be benifical (or possible) to put them inside the actuall FOWLR tank. Just one of those late night thoughts I couldn't quite...
  11. pelena

    Any animal/plant suggestions for new tank

    I really want to get my tank established. I had gravel, but recently took it out and replaced it with Live sand, I left in my Undergravel filter though, is that OK or should I take it out. I also have a wisper style filter and very little live rock (I'm going to get more ASAP). IN order to be...
  12. pelena

    New tank nitrates still too high

    Thats what I was hoping. Sorry about the ates-ites thing. The test I did was for nitrITE. My wife is kinda scared to snorkel, so my tank plans is to recreate our "back yard." Hopefull things will work out well. I'm so addicted to looking for stuff, but I'm trying to be patient and let my...
  13. pelena

    New tank nitrates still too high

    I only have a small amount of live rock now. Maybe 5 lbs. I've been able to collect my own stuff with a friend that used to help with some collections. Hopefully i'll get some more LR within a week or two. As of right now, my nitrite level is >>3.3 I only have a Domino, Devil Scorpionfish...
  14. pelena

    New tank nitrates still too high

    My tank (55) has been up for about 5 weeks and still hasn't completed a cycle. The nitrate level is still too high. After taking so long, I decided I wanted LS so I made the change. How much longer should it take to build a good bio-filtration?