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  1. itchy

    Yellow Watchman Goby Weird?!

    my yellow watchman doesnt sift the sand very ofter. He usually perches in his cave and watches everything. He is very cool but not very active. Give him some time and let him get used to his surroundings. It took mine a while to even move from one spot.
  2. itchy

    critters just came in

  3. itchy

    Needs some expert opinions, not getting any on disease theread- can't wait any longer

    Good Luck....hope things go fine for you. I always hate to have to move my fish. It is a pain to catch the buggers so If I can avoid it then I do at all cost.
  4. itchy

    What kinda algae is this.

    Ok snipe...what the hell are sailfin mollies? :notsure:
  5. itchy

    Need Clown Expert to Identify

    Do a search on these two fish and you will find some pics that you can compare.
  6. itchy

    critters just came in

    Turn out your lights on the tank and get your flash light out....and Watch!!! :eek: Mona....are you being bad with those typos again... :D
  7. itchy

    An early Father's day present

    How nice....Happy early fathers day
  8. itchy

    Positioning of Bubble Coral

    Hi Rubytoo, I can not answer what you should do but will tell you what I did with mine. I do not have as much of a boney skeleton as you do but I put mine on my sand bed straight up. I will tell you that mine is fairly large so the bubble coral does lay on the sand a bit. I believe you should...
  9. itchy

    Mix clowns! Don't Mix clowns! ?????

    I have a tomato mixed with my percs....this was a totaly accident as I thought the tomato had died because he was MIA for a while. So I bought my perc, when I moved I found the tomato living in my filter. Now to answer your question, the tomato was fine for the longest time. The very minute I...
  10. itchy

    shed some light

    choc. Chip will eat almost anything that it can get on top of. I had one several years ago, long before I was knowledgable and found this sight, and the damn C.C. ate everything in its sight. Yes, I did spot feed it as well. I ended up naming it in Mikey will eat anything.
  11. itchy

    Need Clown Expert to Identify

    I have to agree... I think you got ocellaris there. They sure are purrrty... :yes:
  12. itchy

    A few Sunday night pics

    Hey Dory, I have 440 watts of PC on a 75 gallon. I want to add a MH but hell I don't have room with the 2 PC. Tanks looks great. My clowns are recovering from losing their anemone. They have decided to host in my bubble now I am having to keep an eye on it and make sure they don't...
  13. itchy

    Jebo Products Anyone???

    I have a Jebo 220 watt and I love it. No problems here. I do have the two on/off swtiches on my model. I also have odessya PC and I love them. So I can not complain at all..yet
  14. itchy

    A few Sunday night pics

    Dory what kinds of lights do you have? Is your torch coral hard to take care of? I am wanting one because of my percs. I am hoping that they will host in it since I took their anemone back to the LFS...they seem very lost. I know they will adapt however I just don't like seeing them
  15. itchy

    Needs some expert opinions, not getting any on disease theread- can't wait any longer

    Fishmamma, have you tried to soak food in garlic and add some vitamins and see if the fish can fight the ich by itself? Don't get me wrong , go ahead and set up your QT but try this before moving the fish. It doesn't seem to be a bad outbreak YET and if you see signs that the ich is getting...
  16. itchy

    Needs some expert opinions, not getting any on disease theread- can't wait any longer

    Fishmamma, are you having a large outbreak or is there just a few spots on a couple of fish? you may have answered this in the original thread and if so sorry for the repeat question.
  17. itchy

    Whitespots Come and Go on Fish

    Do you have cleaner shrimp? do you soak food in garlic? do you soak in vitamons? I ask these questions seimply because these are all things that can help fish with parasites. I have a flame angel and usually at night I will see a few spots on her tail. I feed with garlic soaked foods and well...
  18. itchy

    All new Died - Don't know why

    I didn't notice the salinty until Kimber pointed it out....yes that is low for inverts. Secondly the nitrates are a problem IMO...most inverts can not handle poor water quality. When you say you acclimated them properly, how did you acclimated them? You do not have enough lighting for the...
  19. itchy

    What kinda algae is this.

    Snipe, I don't know if I agree with the uncycled rock theory...I have had this tank now for 4.5 years.. There is no new rock in my tank other than the 2 pieces that my shrooms came on. This stuff is not on those 2 pieces of rock. Now the dead spots in the tank maybe...I just recently put more...
  20. itchy

    Anyone with a flasher wrasse?

    I have a flasher wrasse...but he doesn't fit in my tank.... sorry I couldn't resist