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  1. tru conch

    x-mas to me

    i like your zoo mats!
  2. tru conch

    Santa brought me Euphyllia

    nice looking frogspawn!
  3. tru conch

    VHO lighting

    to answer your fw ? if you just want to have tetras and a betta, i would have about 7-8 neon tetras and just one male betta, adding the betta after the neons.
  4. tru conch

    Anemone HElp

    mine deflates with the lights off an inflates with lights on. remember that anemones do need light to feed, so with the lights off the anemone wont be as large, just like alot of lps corals. good luck with the new BTA!
  5. tru conch

    Can i have a Brain

    should be gravey imo.
  6. tru conch

    live rock

    lr doesnt really need lights, but the clams do the best under MH for a 75 gal i would get two 175 wt MH (or larger depending on your budget) plus two 48 in 110 wt VHO actinic bulbs but there are numerous options, it depends on the budget you are working with.
  7. tru conch

    Angels fish

    its a gamble with the pgymy or dwarf angels. full size angels tend not to be reef safe. dwarfs that might be reef safe inculde flame angels pygmy angels coral beauty elibi angel rusty angel plus others hth
  8. tru conch

    New Tank Setup, Opinions?

    i cant remember the exact specs, but a 65 gal might fit in that space. or just get a custom tank. like tony detroit said, HQI pendants are going to be the best choice for MH
  9. tru conch


    congrats! :jumping:
  10. tru conch

    Flame Angel Reef Safe?

    like Nas said, its a gamble with pygmy angels. some are perfect "angels" and others are terrors.
  11. tru conch

    My180g Reef (7 pics)

    like the tank. wish i could get my 180 looking as nice.
  12. tru conch

    Starving Actor steals Tank for own use.

    thats funny. we have a set of antlers for our old dog to wear around christmas, i always crack up seeing them on. as long as yoiu dont use staples or glue like in scrooged. hahaha.
  13. tru conch

    My first Tang and Dottyback

    just a heads up you probably wont be able to add any other fish to your tank. the dotty back can be very aggressive, and yellow tangs tend to be the most aggressive of all the tangs, esp when they are in a small tank. but nice looking fish though.
  14. tru conch

    Fish for 5

    personally i wouldnt put any fish in a 5 gal. thats just my .02 though.
  15. tru conch

    Nano cube? Nah...

    laddy your are correct. its more about the intensity,but watts per gal does matter as well. there are some sps that you *might* be able to keep, mainly monitis and some of the closed brains. you wont get as much growth though under pcs compared to mh. but with the 96 watts of pc you can keep...
  16. tru conch

    20 long shmaa

    nice looking tank. very clean and simple. thanks for sharing the pics!
  17. tru conch

    My new nano pics

    looks like you are off to a good start! hope you like your nano cube as much as i like mine.
  18. tru conch

    what is the worst band ever?

    ive got a few on my list: good charlotte (kooks) arvil lavine (wearing a tie doesnt make you punk) ashlee simpson all boy bands (how can someone be a band if they dont play any instruments) there are plenty more that i think are terrible.
  19. tru conch

    what WW2 game is better?

    they are both good. the last MOH rising sun was terrible though. lots of bugs and glitches. i have played the original COD, it is a better historical representation (you feel like you are part of Band of Brothers and Enemy at the Gates). hth.
  20. tru conch

    interesting info on a great white shark.

    wow all the more reason for me to go visit the monteray bay aquarium. i heard that they had a juvie great white in captivity, but i didnt realize that they are making a solid effort to raise the shark. good for them!