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  1. fishieness

    decent priced pack?

    FOr the most part, they are relatively fast, especially the seriatopora. The stylorpora may be a little slower, but nothing there I could consider really "slow".
  2. fishieness

    Brain food

    It wouldn't hurt or do anything bad at all. These animals are designed to eat such things, and even full ones where the skeleton is still hard.
  3. fishieness

    duncan question

    it really doesnt matter one bit as long as it is acclimated. What lighting was it previously under? I have about 30 heads of the ORA duncan (after fragging it a few times) and I have kept it under a 250 watt halide with t5s, about 12-14"S down dead center. I've also kept it in the same spot...
  4. fishieness

    decent priced pack?

    for ORA corals, those are all very good prices for nice corals. ORA still has one of the nices stylos i've ever seen.
  5. fishieness

    whats does this mean ?

    greenwater is just concentrated phytoplankton cultures. The 25 mL of water into the culture dishes either probably was to start the growth of the culture or to add more water through evaporation or from some that was taken out to feed. It's not really difficult to do. Mix the salt to around...
  6. fishieness

    asking pros and cons of frogfish tanks and freshwater angelfish tanks

    DEFINITELY go wish some type of angler. In a tank that small, especialy in a biocube (not the best filtration) you will absolutly be limited to a species. An Antennarious Pictus is one that stays pretty small and you can usually find them every once in a while with some searching. But are...
  7. fishieness

    Monti Cap becoming a bowl

    it looks like it is located behind the powerhead? In which case, even though it is close, it probably isnt close enough to the actual stream.
  8. fishieness

    sunset and porkstar

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Clean water and good flow. Friends of mine who feed with phyto seem to have a problem with excess nutrients.(unless you are running a bigger skimmer) that's because neither coral can ingest phyto. it's useless.
  9. fishieness

    Another ID post

    Originally Posted by SlugKeeper Hmmmm....that is one I don't have - I didn't realize the center of their polyps is orange. They arent. The only resemblance we can see is the green polyp, but yours doesnt have all green polyps. And without at least a little more grow out, we cant even guess...
  10. fishieness

    Another ID post

    dibs on the first frag :P The orange centers in the polyps look SWEET if it retains that color :)
  11. fishieness

    tanks from CT, or MA?

    I'll post one of mine at some point :)
  12. fishieness

    before i waste the money...

    Originally Posted by m0nk IME, digitas need more light than caps. i would agree with you... i neversaid digies were the lowest. once again, it is possible that they might survive for a little, but they will look like crap...
  13. fishieness


    they are both occellaris so can do well together. However, I wouldnt add more than one of each. I wouldnt add any if you already have a pair in there.
  14. fishieness

    before i waste the money...

    some montis such as digis might survive for a good while, or even survive periode. But in all honesty, you arent likely to get anywhere near what I would consider to be good (worthwhile) color. I would try it.
  15. fishieness

    Word Of Warning - Please Read

    I believe you are talking about nudibranchs, not cucumbers.... no? Not all species are this poisonis, or even at all... sorry you got one that was though. Good luck with it and im sorry something like this had to happen :(
  16. fishieness

    I think i have a baby Brittle star

    it is probably a micro-star. A species of brittle stars which dont get much bigger than that. If you have one, you have many more.
  17. fishieness

    protein skimmer

    euroreef is also coming out with a nano skimmer that will fit in the back compartments of mose of the larger cube setups. Suposedly, it's much better than any of the others... which isnt saying all too much from what i have seen. good luck with it though
  18. fishieness

    The Babies Are Here!!!!!

    hoorah! orange belliies! a good sign of well fed babies :) congrats
  19. fishieness

    Any SPS i can put toward the bottom of the tank?

    half way would be more recomended. You'd be mroe likely to experience much more desired color :)
  20. fishieness

    Blue Squamosa

    hey big spender! iiiiloveit