Search results

  1. alabama reefer

    My bubble tip split ?

    They appear to be bleached. What are your water parameters and what kind of lighting do you have them under? Was it that white when you purchased it? Is that maroon hosting it? How long has your tank been running? Usually splitting is not a good thing and is done because of bad water chemistry...
  2. alabama reefer

    Tanks and hardwood floors help

    Hardwood will do fine under the tank as long moisture doesn't get trapped underneath the stand. The real question is are you on a slab or piers? A lot of weight if you are on piers and a floor joist isn't there. On a slab no problem.
  3. alabama reefer

    Unknown fish caught

    Picture is kind of blurred but it kind of looks like a yellow angelfish??
  4. alabama reefer

    Center piece fish ideas??

    Well at least I'm not a newbie and didn't jump all over the bigger tang ideas. With that said I do appreciate the suggestions so far
  5. alabama reefer

    Center piece fish ideas??

    I like the flame angel but haven't sold my wife on it. I had a coral beauty in my previous 150g tank. I definitely want something that will do some grazing and has some color. Yes I do have a 30g sump
  6. alabama reefer

    Beach sand any good?

    +1 The risks of contamination by far out weigh the rewards of getting free sand.
  7. alabama reefer

    Center piece fish ideas??

    No ideas from anyone???
  8. alabama reefer

    Center piece fish ideas??

    Hi all!!! I have been out of the hobby for a couple of years but recently acquired an established reef tank (and occupants) from a friend. As the title says I am looking for ideas on a center piece fish so I am looking for suggestions. 90g 30g sump 120+ lbs live rock LPS coral & softies BTA and...
  9. alabama reefer

    System Crashing??

    No chemicals have been around the tank. I think contaminated salt mix would be a stretch since all my other fish are alive but then again the ones that died showed no signs of stress that I picked up on. Because I lost three fish and half my corals are fading away it makes me think it is...
  10. alabama reefer

    System Crashing??

    As stated in the opening the bulbs are not to old. I feed every other day but it could contribute to the algae. Hair algae is not killing my fish. Surely someone can offer something I haven't thought of?????
  11. alabama reefer

    System Crashing??

    I have tested the water with my kits and a friend of mines kits with identical results. I also want to add I have tested my RO/DI water and that two other friends use the same water with zero problems.
  12. alabama reefer

    System Crashing??

    Here is some history and hopefully I can get some advice on what else I need to be looking for: This tank has been up and running for 4 years. It is 150g reef system with 225lbs of live rock. I had a hair algae bloom about 1 month ago and noticed some of my coral start to decline but still...
  13. alabama reefer

    Clown won't go in anemone

    It is hit or miss when trying get clowns to host. Give them time. It could take a few days, weeks, months or it may never host. Welcome to the boards
  14. alabama reefer

    Different Pairs in same tank

    Some people get away with it in larger tanks but it is not recommended. You will likely end up with one pair of GSM if you try that combination.
  15. alabama reefer

    Anemone help quick thanks

    Post your water parameters and a pic if possible. Sounds like it is expelling waste, if this is the case, it is perfectly normal.
  16. alabama reefer

    Help What's Wrong

    It is good that it ate. Small pieces of whatever you feed is better than a big meal because it uses less energy trying to digest. Variety is good too. Try to feed it every few days as long as it will accept it. It has to start growing it's zooxanthellae back which is why it is white(bleached)...
  17. alabama reefer

    Help What's Wrong

    It looks very bleached which is never good. It is probably shying away from your lighting because it is so bleached. I would try feeding it a very small piece of shrimp, silverside, or something meaty and soak it in some vitamins if you have any. If it takes the food then feed it a couple of...
  18. alabama reefer

    Emerald Mithrax Crab Ok?

    I have always had them in my reefs. Never had a problem with them bothering any corals. Correct, they do not need shells.
  19. alabama reefer

    Anemones and light?

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish try a condy. i have a condy in my 12gal nano with 2x24 power compacts. ur lights are much better than mine. I totally disagree. Setup for setup your lights are much stronger because of the size of your tank (12g) vs the 92g tank.
  20. alabama reefer

    Small angelfish

    It has always been said there is a possibilty they could nip corals. I have never had any trouble with them nipping coral. Mine eat pretty much anything I put in the tank and graze on the rocks all day. I have a coral beauty and an Eibli in seperate tanks and would recommend either. Both of mine...