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  1. alabama reefer

    need suggestions

    Your clowns may or may not host any of the three. If you want one that stays in the sand go with the LTA but if you want one that will settle in your rock work then go with the BTA.
  2. alabama reefer

    Ritteri Anenome HELP

    The Ritteri is one of the most difficult anemones to keep. It is very light demanding and your Compacts won't come close to what it needs. It also needs a lot of flow. This type will normally climb to the highest point in your aquarium. My opinion would be to take it back if you can because your...
  3. alabama reefer

    just my opinion on lighting for some anemones.

    Condi's and BTA's are a couple of the less light demanding anemones. Feeding them more does help offset the lack of intense lighting. Six months is a hurdle but not success in anemone keeping. I hope you continue to experience good luck in your anemone keeping experience.
  4. alabama reefer

    ID type of coral plz

    Favite Brain is what it looks like to me.
  5. alabama reefer

    rose hardier than green??

    I have heard that statement more than once. They are the same species, just a different color morph. So it just doesn't add up to me.
  6. alabama reefer

    one of my false percs died.

    I am going to assume you did some investigating as to why your clown died. As far as your question buy one smaller than the one you have presently and they should work out fine.
  7. alabama reefer

    RIP Foxface

    Mine constantly grazes on the rocks and loves any veggies I offer. It has never bothered any corals. Once they get over being spooked everytime you look at them they are a great addition, IMO.
  8. alabama reefer

    false percs and my bta

    Congrats! It doesn't sound like they are a mated pair yet. They have probably bonded. The female will be hard on the male but will usually begin to accept him and let him in the anemone. When they mate she will guard the home and he will guard the eggs. Sounds like they are heading in the right...
  9. alabama reefer

    Very Weird

    Clowns are a species of damsel therefore other damsels have been known to host anemones.
  10. alabama reefer

    dwarf angels

    Mine doesn't touch corals or sponges. It grazes on algae or what I feed. With that said, every fish is different. IMO, the chances are greater it won't mess with anything.
  11. alabama reefer

    need advise on Red Slime and Bristle Worm infestation

    Bristle worms are populating because their is plenty of food and this also helps fuel cyano. Cut back on your feeding and stay on top of your 10 or 15%water changes. If their is not enough food then the bristle worms will subside. Cutting back feeding and water changes will help with cyano along...
  12. alabama reefer


    Check out Stomatella snails as well. They are good. Your cleaner shrimp is just trying to pick up a quick meal. Neither will harm each other.
  13. alabama reefer

    what to do clown eggs?

    The time frame is different for every mated pair. Once they start laying they generally lay twice a month unless something disturbs them. If you don't want any more clowns then just let the circle of life run its course. The ones that hatch will get eaten or will not survive either way.
  14. alabama reefer

    Did my anemone kill my clown???

    Without more specifics I would have to say the odds are better a clown killed your clown and the LTA picked up an opportunistic meal. Six clowns in a 55 will cause some major aggression.
  15. alabama reefer

    to many fish

    I think someone that practices good tank husbandry is able to push the limits more successfully than someone that is on the lazier side of the spectrum. I tend to be one that likes to take it to the edge and over and I am having success in my practices. If I didn't do my water changes and tank...
  16. alabama reefer

    Lighting question

    Change both at the same time.
  17. alabama reefer

    Have Bubble tip and want to add 2 Gold Stripe Maroon

    Just a FYI. A white BTA is not normal. Sounds bleached and a sign of health issues. Post a pic if you can and if it is bleached it is possible it can be turned around with some TLC. As stated above maroons are generally very rough with their anemone.
  18. alabama reefer

    Setting up a breeder tank

    Yes rotifers are different from copepods. This link has a lot of info.
  19. alabama reefer


    Sorry to hear. The main thing is circulation at this point. They need oxygenated water and you have a powerhead going so that is a plus. You didn't list any corals so light will be no issue. Keep an eye on the temperature since you are turning the heat up in your place. They should be fine until...
  20. alabama reefer

    LTA doesn't seem to be settling...

    Originally Posted by Sweet3482 Our test kit says that as long as the nitrite level is 0.3 or below it is at a safe level. In the tank currently: A clown Couple damsels Royal Gramma Sixline CBS Bubble coral which is doing great Rock anemone also doing great LTA We have not had anything die yet...