Search results

  1. alabama reefer

    Hammer or Frogspawn

    I have both. I just provide them good light and quality water. Some people do spot feed but I have never purposely given them anything. My frogspawn(50+ heads) is the size of a soccer ball and my hammer(17 heads) is the size of a softball. (just in case room is an issue for you)
  2. alabama reefer

    Clown Question

    Not recommended and will more than likely cause some aggression problems. I don't know the size of your system but some people keep a couple of pairs in larger systems.
  3. alabama reefer

    What are you opinions on...

    Originally Posted by The_Hadleys Thanks for sharing! BTW, really like your avatar! What kind of anemone is that? It's lovely! Thanks. It is my LTA. Good luck with the green chromis if you decide to get them. They really are a great addition.
  4. alabama reefer

    help me pick my next fish

    Royal Gramma or a pair of bangaii cardinals or three green chromis
  5. alabama reefer

    Peppermint Shrimp dead...Could it be the Emerald??

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy That is doubtful. I agree. Emeralds get blamed for various killings but are usually just doing their job by cleaning up the mess.
  6. alabama reefer

    Problem keeping anemones

    By the way, anemones are made up of mostly water and that is why water parameters are so important along with light for their survival. They will not tolerate any ammonia, nitrites or nitrates. They also won't tolerate wild swings with your ph, salinity and temperature so a stable system is also...
  7. alabama reefer

    Problem keeping anemones

    LFS(Local Fish Store) as with anything some will try to help you, some stick it to you and others just really don't know what they are talking about. As far as halides do a google search because there are some fairly reasonable MH's you can mount on your system. There are numerous companies that...
  8. alabama reefer

    Problem keeping anemones

    You don't have to have a huge aquarium for some anemones. You do have to have strong lighting. Just for simplicity, 40watts of compact(NO) does not penetrate the water like 40watts(HO) t-5 lighting. Anemones live in the shallows so they can get the most intense lighting from the sun. That is why...
  9. alabama reefer

    What are you opinions on...

    Personally, I enjoy mine. Very active and docile towards other fish(IME). However, they can be agressive towards each other. Odd numbers of them work the best but be aware if you lose one of the three there is a good possibility one of the two that is left will be knocked off. I had three in a...
  10. alabama reefer

    Problem keeping anemones

    Compact flourescent lighting is generally not enough to support an anemone. As stated above T-5 or MH lights are needed.
  11. alabama reefer

    Can someone please expain this to me

    I know it is frustrating and it came close to making me give up the hobby but I am glad I didn't. I have read of a lot of instances where room lighting would cause algae outbreaks. I can't tell you that is what is going on in yours but just look at how much light is getting in your tank with the...
  12. alabama reefer

    Can someone please expain this to me

    It seems you still have nutrients in your water with your nitrates and your phophates are probably being absorbed by the algae. What about direct or indirect sunlight on your tank? Even a room light that shines in your tank? Also it could be the pic but I don't notice a lot of coralline algae on...
  13. alabama reefer

    pygmy angelfish questions for owners

    Have the Eibli angel in a reef system. Never touched corals and it holds its own with tank mates and does not start any trouble. I've had it two years. Of course every fish has its own personality so there are no guarantees.
  14. alabama reefer


    Urchins will definitely work on algae for you. BUT... It will pick up your hermit crabs, frags or anything else it can tote and haul it around on it's back. I always had free things from it or it would release coral frags behind rocks somewhere that I couldn't reach or find it. It will also...
  15. alabama reefer

    BTA Confusing me

    Originally Posted by Lmecher I agree that it is not normal for them to expel waste everyday. Mine have always been well fed and will expel approximately once a week. I have noticed that a couple of mine will shrink considerably late each evening, some will retract to behind the rockwork where...
  16. alabama reefer

    Fish vs Gallon ratio

    There is no cut and dry answer. It depends on your system. How much live rock, protein skimmer, type of fish you have(like how big will they get, how much waste they produce). Just add your fish slowly and make sure your system can keep up with the bioload. Some people can get away with...
  17. alabama reefer

    BTA Confusing me

    Originally Posted by Rod Buehle If an anemone is expelling every day, something is wrong. I disagree. I am not saying there can't be something wrong. There would be other signs. Moving, tentacles not sticky, not feeding on light or food, bleaching. A healthy anemone can expel everyday. From...
  18. alabama reefer

    Possible Anemone list for my 125 build

    All anemones are difficult to keep at best but some are much more difficult. BTA's are the least difficult according to popular opinion and I tend to agree. Six months seems to be a pretty generic answer on an established tank for an anemone(This of course is debatable). They don't tolerate poor...
  19. alabama reefer

    BTA Confusing me

    Mine does this once a day. Just expelling waste. Then it abosorbs all the new water back into its system and stands tall and proud. If it stays deflated then you worry but it sounds like everything is ok to me.
  20. alabama reefer

    What are aiptasias?

    Not good. In short, a nuisance anemone that can spread throughout your tank. Do a search on here and you should find a lot of info on it.