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  1. einnaws

    Lego Community

    i thought that was a pic of your legos... I was like wow, legos are a really good idea, that tank looks awesome... why do you play games carp WHY!!!!!!
  2. einnaws

    Will silicone secure my rockwork?

    i'm gonna bump this question to the top because i am also curious. I have seen people use PVC pipe to assemble a frame and was wondering if the "glue" the rock on or tie it.
  3. einnaws

    Lfs Is Satan!

    Yea everyones out to make money but c'mon. Don't be surprised if Michael Moore comes out with a movie about this LFS conspiracy titled "Nemos sleeping with the fishes.....upside down" (note: if i see this film created i expect a line in the credits, thank you)
  4. einnaws

    Lighting Question

    I read that the moonlights "put the fish in the mood", supposedly it has been proven that moonlights make your fish mate. Take from that what you will, I have no idea the validity of that statement.:jumping:
  5. einnaws

    Lighting Requirements for 40gal FOWLR

    yea, i want the tank to have a good look to it, thats like 70% of it right?
  6. einnaws

    Everyone post a picture of your tank here please

    Did i read she didn't find nemo cute......Unheard of. Anyone who does not find nemo cute scares me, frankly i'm scared for you. (my GF went for the nemo trick, well to tell the truth i did. I'm a sucker for disney and cute little fish who just want to get home) :jumping:
  7. einnaws

    Lighting Requirements for 40gal FOWLR

    What type of lighting would i require to maintain 40g FOWLR? (Not planning on switching to reef anytime soon unless its common for people who start only wanting FOWLR to soon want corals) -Minimal -Average -Perfered _.- Thank you -._ ......:joy: :yes: :joy:......
  8. einnaws

    Lfs Is Satan!

    Regardless, you should be able to trust your LFS, i understand many you can not. This kid goes to the LFS in confidence that they will stear him in the right direction, hence him asking guestions to the LFS to see what fish to put in his tank. He should really go to his LFS and inform them that...
  9. einnaws

    my 29 gallon

    Thanks Salt, somtimes i feel so overwhelmed.....but i've actaully decited to go with a similar system to yours....
  10. einnaws

    mass area looking for reef tank

    is that piston honda........
  11. einnaws

    Lego Community

    ummm, legos are hollow....hollow. you would have to put each piece in one by one and tip it so the air bubbles came out... i would imagin that a task i would like to see in pictures..:joy:
  12. einnaws

    F/s 55 &50

    sorry to dissapoint but that tank is just too big for my space... sorry...... and i live in boston
  13. einnaws

    Lights and Skimmer for Sale

    hello.. i might be interested... i was wondering how much each item for sale was... or if you were selling it all together.. if you could send pics, that would be appreciated.. thank
  14. einnaws

    F/s 55 &50

    hello.. do you have a picture and the dimentions of the tank? we might be interested...
  15. einnaws

    pics under username???

    Its real simple, you'll get it (100x100 pixels)
  16. einnaws

    20-55 gallon reef package...

    ok cool, crab party it shall be then....
  17. einnaws

    Explain where your user name originated

    My last name is swanson.... everyone with the name swanson instantly recieves the nicname swannie.. my grandfather is a swannie my dad is a swannie, my kids will be swannie's, swannie backwards is einnaws, many people ask "how do you pronounce your name?" i prefer E-in-Naws as in "The E in Naws"...
  18. einnaws

    Good Clean up Crew?

    I'd name my crabs.....they have feelings too.....:yes:
  19. einnaws

    20-55 gallon reef package...

    im planning on having LS and LR... not looking into coral or reefs.. is it still necessary to have that many?
  20. einnaws

    20-55 gallon reef package...

    wow, it just seemed like a whole lot of crabs, but like it says they have been putting these packages together since whenever and i'm sure they know what they are talking about, it just struck me as a lot. just wondering if it seemed like a lot to anyone else but i guess not. thanks all i can...