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  1. fmelindy

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    boy I'm getting less and less sure about this thing. It gets bigger every day! I wouldn't think it would be doing that if it were a dendronephthea.
  2. fmelindy

    can anyone tell me what kind of acan this is?

  3. fmelindy

    Could I be overskimming?

    Well, not yet anyway. I am moving from a 55 to a 125 gallon tank and I just recently purchased a Kent Marine Nautilus EX 24" model as the primary protein skimmer. The skimmer is rated for 400 gallons (I think) but based on what I've read on this (and other) message boards., it will probably be...
  4. fmelindy

    can anyone tell me what kind of acan this is?

    I purchased this online a few days ago and it came to me by air yesterday. The bag it cam in smelled rotten. It looks like a few of the polyps will probably die. But more importantly, I paid $350 for it under the impression it was an Acan Lord. Which I don't think it really is. Anyone care...
  5. fmelindy

    pic #2 of new tank

    Use the carbon if you like, but that will most definitely clear up on its own if you could be patient enough to wait it out (which is hard, I know).
  6. fmelindy

    What Is This On My Perc Clowns And What Should I Do? :(

    If it looks like someone lightly shook a salt shaker on them, 99% sure its ich. Generally recommend quarantine and reduce salinity in the separate tank along with possible treat with copper but better do a search in the disease thread, I'm no expert on ich.
  7. fmelindy

    getting button polops to new spots?

    Yes, it sounds crude but it works. Remember, it's the mat you want to cut, not the polyps themselves. You can attach them to the new rock with superglue. It doesn't have to be a super hold since they will soon grow onto the new substrate. I have done this myself and it does work.
  8. fmelindy

    What is this stuff coming out of my Hammer coral?

    Is it brown? If so, its probably purging some zooxanthellae. If it has been fed it just might be the undigestibles...
  9. fmelindy

    can you id these shrooms

    yes, rhodactis can have a very variable appearance and the one posted on is not terribly representative of the genus as a whole.
  10. fmelindy

    Reef Safe????

    six line's are pretty peaceful. I had one with lots of ornamental shrimp for al ong time and he never bothered them.
  11. fmelindy

    ID please...

    probably is sinularia then. Capnella usually looks a little more feathery than that in my (albeit limited) experience.
  12. fmelindy

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    Of course, it would also be awesome to have a definitive guide to anything in this hobby.
  13. fmelindy

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    You know, all the corals we have been discussing some from the same family and it is really difficult to tell them apart sometimes. It would be awesome to have a definitive id guide to that family of corals.
  14. fmelindy

    Id on this coral

    clove polyps can come in just about any color. Ever see the bright purple solomon islands ones? They're gorgeous.
  15. fmelindy

    Something is eating all my shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!

    OR there may be someting more sinister hidden in your live rock (like maybe mantis).
  16. fmelindy

    getting button polops to new spots?

    Not at all. You could cut the matt and attach to another rock in your tank (I have done this) or you could spread rubble all around the rock they are on now and wait (it won't take long).
  17. fmelindy

    can you id these shrooms

    discosomas come in many different colors, most commonly shades of greem, brown, red and sometimes blue but other colors are common as well. Sometimes you can even get them in multicolored varities (ie striped).
  18. fmelindy

    Metal Halide Pendant

    whoa! look at the size of that colt! How big was it when you got it?
  19. fmelindy

    Readings Of First Water

    It's a matter of opinion (like most things) but when your cycle is complete and before you add livestock it might be nice to have the temp a little higher.
  20. fmelindy

    can you id these shrooms

    yes #1 and 3 are actinodiscus (or discosoma depending on who you talk to) and #2 is likely rhodactis.