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  1. fmelindy

    circulation problem - please help

    Great tip, Thanks!!!!
  2. fmelindy

    Pic of my new nano

    So far so good with the corals. I just put frogspawn and acan lord in there so i'll keep you posted. Unfortunately i don't know anyone else with a nano cube personally. Where I live, Newfoundland, is not exactly a hotbed for reefkeeping!
  3. fmelindy

    Pic of my new nano

    Temp hasn't been a problem. I got the 3.24 version, I believe it's called. I've been thinking about getting the additional 70W MH retro system I saw on nanotuners and putting that in there as well (somehow).
  4. fmelindy

    circulation problem - please help

    Originally Posted by Squidd An 1 1/2" overflow will "allow" up to 1300 gph through it...With no pump running water will stabilize at a predetermined level (top of overflow)... If you add 1 gallon to tank, one gallon will drain out..and then stop... If you add 6 gallons ...6 gallons will drain...
  5. fmelindy

    End ALL be ALL answer to Lighting!

    The absolute best book on corals is "Aquarium Corals" by Eric H. Borneman, bar none.
  6. fmelindy

    Mixing shrimp with lobster

    Puprple lobsters can also be pretty destructive. I had one that would eat any fish that crossed his path or wandered into his cave.
  7. fmelindy

    Fire at home - tank put out fire!

    Man, I found that those coralife powerstrips suck anyway. I only had one and he lasted approximately a month before the timer part of it was busted, rendering the whole point of the strip useless! Anybody else have any experiences with them to relate?
  8. fmelindy

    Pic of my new nano

    Originally Posted by eclipseagent fmelindy, I love your tank. I am in the process of "saving" for a jbj 12 DX, and I love your lighting. What lights did you use, and what kind of modifications did it take? Thanks for the compliment. I got my tank from and it was all set up...
  9. fmelindy

    Pic of my new nano

    Originally Posted by Shoreliner11 I have always heard that pruning helps but never in the way of pruning. What do you do special? Soory it took so long to get back to you. Apparently according to some sources, caulerpa will go sexual after an injury unless it's allowed time to make a "wound...
  10. fmelindy

    skimmer for jbj nano deluxe 12 gallon

    I've been wodering about the same thing.... Can somebody please shoot me an email with that link as well? Thanks. My email is by the way and thanks again.
  11. fmelindy

    circulation problem - please help

    Originally Posted by Squidd That's going to depend on the "size" of the equipment and if it sits in or hangs on the sump...flow wise they are all relatively low flow devices Yes, I was planning n having them all sit in the sump. Would you say the skimmer is a "low flow device" ? It's going to...
  12. fmelindy

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    Could you email them to me as well? I was very impressed with this project and was planning a similar one myself, I'd like to take a page from a master.... :) My email is and thanks!
  13. fmelindy

    circulation problem - please help

    The purpose of the sump is to hold Calcium reactor, skimmer, denitrator and ozone reactor. Oh, and heaters too. Is a 30 gallon big enough for all that?
  14. fmelindy

    circulation problem - please help

    I'm about to setup a new 125 gallon aquarium. It has two overflow boxes predrilled and two drilled bulkheads. Below you'll see a diagram of the flow layout. Basically it's a little busy but what it is trying to show is that there is a main system pump that takes its water supply from one of...
  15. fmelindy

    coral ID please

    I must say that from the first pic, though it is blurry and indistinct, it looks like Acropora.
  16. fmelindy

    ID please pics!

    looks more like a sponge to me.
  17. fmelindy

    My New M.Danae and Soft Coral. Please Id the soft coral

    My capnella was also sold to me as Nephthea. Nephthea species usually have more obvious sclerites, though.
  18. fmelindy

    what are these small calcerous discs on LR?

    Or perhaps I should say "eye"! :rolleyes:
  19. fmelindy

    what are these small calcerous discs on LR?

    My pleasure, I love trying my hand at id's!!