Search results

  1. fmelindy

    Coral Beauty in reefs

    doboy, what kind of fish is that in your avatar?
  2. fmelindy

    Coral Beauty in reefs

    My coral beauty and flame angel get along OK in a 55 gallon tank. They had their spats at first but now coexist peacefully. In my experience with them, the tendency of Centropyge angels to nip at corals/inverts is greatly overblown as I have had no problems with coral beauties, flame, bicolor...
  3. fmelindy

    xenia help

    Bang, how about you? You seem to have lots of experience with Xenia - how have you fared with it?
  4. fmelindy

    xenia help

    To quote Eric Borneman directly: "Iodine is anecdotally reported in the hobby and among some propagators to be important to these soft corals. Regular - if not daily- additions are reported as necessary for their health and growth. The actual iodine concentrations in the water are also said to...
  5. fmelindy

    xenia help

    iodine supplements have been known to help in some cases...
  6. fmelindy

    my new bubble coral

    sweet looking bubble!!!!
  7. fmelindy

    leopard wrasse for sale or trade

    dude, "doo doo green"? Sick!!! Seriously, though, that's a great looking fish! Never seen one like that before...
  8. fmelindy

    can you id these shrooms

    Thanks Bang Guy, I'm no expert but I try and read everything I can about corals. I've got my wife drove nuts with it! It's pretty much the only thing I read any more! :D
  9. fmelindy

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    sorry forgot the pic :notsure:
  10. fmelindy

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    Yes I believe that's the correct species (and you'd certainly know better than me so there's no way I'm going to second guess you). There's another pic below. He's been in my tank now for about 6 months, maybe a little more. He seems to have grown a little in that time. Yes, he's in my 55...
  11. fmelindy

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    Just wanted to give everyone an update on this coral - it does seem to be growing! Oh, and sorry about the fromia getting in the way! :happy: How'd you like that one Ophiura? Two beautiful echinoderms in the same pic! Look at my sailfin trying to hog the camera!
  12. fmelindy

    Pic of my new nano

    I'll post some updated pics soon. It looks better every day! :happy:
  13. fmelindy

    Is my coral dying?

    sorry for som any posts. No way that was a clove polyp either. It looks suspiciously like a closed goniopora or alveopora. Definitely difficult to keep and prone to crashing in a massive brown jelly infection when they start to go. Just speaking from experience
  14. fmelindy

    Is my coral dying?

    oh, sorry, to answer your question, unfortunately I would say it's dead and it certainly looks that way. I have rarely seen corals recover from a brown jelly infection that extensive.
  15. fmelindy

    Is my coral dying?

    sorry, "brown" jelly infection...
  16. fmelindy

    Is my coral dying?

    that looked a lot like a brwon jelly infection to me...
  17. fmelindy

    Is my shrimp a snail murderer??

    Not necessarily so! I saw several peppermint shrimps in my nano attack and kill 10 nassarius snails just added to the tank in one night! They ate them, those murderers!
  18. fmelindy

    Crab ID Pleeze :)

    that's supposed to be a crab? What exactly are we looking at?
  19. fmelindy

    coral ID please

    definitely not "pineapple" though. Pineapple looks more like favia with multiple polyps. This looks like it's one solitary polyp.
  20. fmelindy

    coral ID please

    yes, it does look like lobophyllia or could conceivably be scolymia but lobo seems more likely.