Search results

  1. von_rahvin

    black ridge eel

    ever heard of one of these guys? how nasty are they. they sure do look cute. they are a type of morey but that is all i could get about them. thanks
  2. von_rahvin

    A White Christmas

    it was 40 deg down here in fl this morning and it was WAYY to cold. I need to move south. orlando is just too cold.
  3. von_rahvin

    trade in central fl

    looking to trade frags in central florida ( i live in orlando) email me
  4. von_rahvin

    Please Help: Green Star Placement

    why hate green star polyps? manatees i agree . . but green star? such cute harmless things.
  5. von_rahvin

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    you might try moving it is you are really worried. my leather have gone a wek at a time. usually the "lose" an outer layier of "skin" and grow a little. never had one do it for 3 weeks though. if it has not changed i would move it around the tank. took me a month or so before i found happy...
  6. von_rahvin

    Tiny Air bubbles in my tank

    i use maxi 1200 and they don't kick ait into my tank at all. i just have the screen over the intake. are you using the venturi add on's? cause they can leak and inject ait even if you have them capped.
  7. von_rahvin

    Decorator crab question

    nice page slothy!! that is a great opener.
  8. von_rahvin

    Lighting Help!!!!

    i would lower your kelvin rating on the mh and go with just actinic pc's. [hr] pc [hr] mh [hr] pc i like to have my lights centered. this means that you mount is not going to be centeed. unless you are using germans. that way you pc's can be the dawn dusk while the mh is your mid...
  9. von_rahvin

    Berlin skimmer

    the overlow from that tank takes the top inches of the water and drops them into your sump. so everything in your sump is "the top couple inches of water" cheers
  10. von_rahvin

    Has anyone ever had this type of firefish?

    how much at they selling it ofr?? I have been looking for one of those for a while now. only problem is everyone wants like 150+ dollars for it
  11. von_rahvin

    moving a tank

    i moved my 135 approx 75 miles. not a fun thing to do. the bottom was fine with the sand. something ot consider is trying to keep as much water as possible during the move. good luck. although next time i may build a carrier. that is a great idea. say with straps to make carriing it...
  12. von_rahvin

    200,000 gallon Tank webcam

    that is just cool
  13. von_rahvin

    frog fish anglers anyone have

    from what i have read they are extremely hard to keep. unless you have some experience keeping rare fishies and or coral, i would suggest against it. you may know all about it, and then coool, but if not i would suggest something a little easier.
  14. von_rahvin

    Arrow crabs...

    i agree with Demosthenes they sure to look cool, but i would never put one in a fish tank. a "very" aggressive little critter. i have watched them kill damsels while diving. an amazingly aggressive crab.
  15. von_rahvin

    Will these two work together?

    lions are mean!! i tried to have a lion and an eel. eel was a tad on the big side (4 foot) and the lion was not all that big ( i think he was 13 inches at the time) put them together and the lion beat the eel to a pulp. got in there as fast as possible, but that lion made the eel his b#$...
  16. von_rahvin

    EMERGENCY need suggestions

    as a thought . . . you might want to use a sponge filter on either a powerhead or an airstone to remove some of the suspended particles. one thing i screwed up on was the temps. makes sure you are not changing it too much. even if they are way to cold or too hot to start of with, they have...
  17. von_rahvin

    ? for Von_Rahvin

    it runs from 77.5 to 82.1. had a cold snap down here (got to 40 deg this morning!!!!!so when i got up the tank was at 75. turned off the fans. i have the fans timed to come on at set periods. what i need is an aquacontroller. Should have asked for one for christmas. instead i just use timers.
  18. von_rahvin

    EMERGENCY need suggestions

    hey if you want some close in help i'm in orlando and my parents are in melbourne. they have like 5 tanks of mine and 4 or more aerators. drop me a line 407-325-1976
  19. von_rahvin

    keeping a tang

    i was thinking about buying one today . i may have to go and do that. thanks also responded to your question
  20. von_rahvin

    ? for Von_Rahvin

    i custom build everything for my tank. being in college i have more time than money. for lighting i have 2 400 watt mh and 2 160 act VHOs. i have a total of 11 fans running onmmy tank. I build computers for a job/ hobby so i used 80 mm case fans for my hood and i have 3 big fans on my sump...