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  1. -tara33-

    For Mimzy!

    this made me lol, my cat does this with our vaccume cleaner, you turn it on and she jumps 3 feet in the air!
  2. -tara33-

    She was sold to me as a fuscus...

    take the clam out asap! if the seahorse touches it with its tail its going to slam shut on him and kill the seahorse!
  3. -tara33-

    Say it with Love...... Say it with another Boston Terrier

    there so cute, like a mini boxer, i would prefer a boxer tho, big dogs FTW
  4. -tara33-

    If you had to choose (vacation spot...)

    i was joking, its all i hear about from ppl that have been, im not close to it, it cant be that good....can it?
  5. -tara33-

    If you had to choose (vacation spot...)

    Originally Posted by DeMartini Disneyland!! hm, never heard of it.
  6. -tara33-

    If you had to choose (vacation spot...)

    Bahamas, i have a friend that went there and they have been EVERYWHERE, they said it would be there first choice to go back anywhere they have been!
  7. -tara33-

    The Notebook

    i never have but the movie is one of my favourites
  8. -tara33-

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    Originally Posted by saka bra dussumier tang man. one of my lfs has three dussumier tang. i want one and its like $1200. awsome fish though i sure hope you meen $120 and not $1200, if so WOW
  9. -tara33-

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    duss! or get somethin else like an angel, then lastly the achillis.
  10. -tara33-

    Sea Of Cortez Yellow Ray

    deffinently dont risk it with the trigger, i think i remember someone saying that that wont be enuff room for a ray, i have a 250g and ppl told me not to cos of my angel and tangs.
  11. -tara33-

    my new fish... Zebrasoma veliferum

    beautiful fish, but what do you meen by near perfect?
  12. -tara33-

    Need Help Fast sailfin is sick

    post a pic throught the attachment from your computer. how is he doing?
  13. -tara33-


    Originally Posted by DoggiePuffer What???????? exactly what i thought ???
  14. -tara33-


    Originally Posted by Keri RODI For The Win!! +1
  15. -tara33-

    What to add....

    nice choice, make shore you take a pic when hes out n about!
  16. -tara33-

    JJJoey's Tank :)

    nice sixline!
  17. -tara33-

    Can you have too many corals?

    it shouldnt matter adding all of them at once, just wach your levels and do a water change after adding them after a day maby just in case, the acro maby ok just put him middle to high so he gets alot of light and they need alot of flow2 to, and the other corals should be ok, make shore you test...
  18. -tara33-

    Gold Striped Maroon Question

    i wouldnt imo, they own the whole tank no matter what the size once established, ive done it at work in the coral tank cos an order was to big and had no were else for the other clowns-this is an 8 by 4 foot tank with 5-6 nems to choose from, but he had to have them all!
  19. -tara33-

    Blue throat Trigger getting skinny please help!!!!

    welcome to the boards, and if you could post a picture, and all your test levels and salinity that will help us identify whats wrong with him
  20. -tara33-

    I am very mad right now

    that sucks about the passer and the trigger , at least u know what to do now and cover the back up, then start over, and update us about the new fish