Search results

  1. chainsaw5vent

    weird looking starfish?

    they live wherever they can crawl(?) to in the tank. live rock, sand, plumbing, glass, etc. the largest one that i've seen is nearing 1/2 in diameter. but there's too many to count and those are the ones that are not hidden by the l/r.:confused:
  2. chainsaw5vent

    weird looking starfish?

    what are these misshaped tiny starfish? they have 6 legs (or nubs for legs), whitish in color and i know that i did not put them in the tank knowingly. are they safe? i know that i don't like them. how can i get rid of them??:confused: :confused:
  3. chainsaw5vent

    Berlin Skimmer

    when i got my berlin h.o. setup, i left the adjusting screw in the wide open position. BAD DEAL!!!!:o :o the skimmer cup overflowed and poured water on to the powerstrip and shorted out the strip and almost started a fire. make sure you adjust the valve into a low flow position until the...
  4. chainsaw5vent

    Is this a good price for a custom made glass tank?

    jim27, if you live in socal, check out and look up the pets/aquarium section. you may be able to find a tank for a reasonable price.
  5. chainsaw5vent

    Looking for aquarium safe epoxy paint?

    hey mel. bad link...does not go to the location. prior posting. if you're considering the "sprinkler head" option, most are spring loaded and the springs are removeable. that way, you won't have to worry about overcoming add'l pressure.:)
  6. chainsaw5vent

    Need help with wave maker and pumps

    hey mel. hadn't even thought about psi needed to cycle the valves. i just figured that i would have them operate in timed cycles of varying time frames. ;) sometimes they would operate as a single unit and other times multiple (electrical) valves would be open. are you thinking about...
  7. chainsaw5vent

    Need help with wave maker and pumps

    if you have the room behind/in/under your tank would it be possible to run one pump for current and one pump attached to a central line that has several sprinkler valves connected to a timer to create wave motion? this is most likely how i will set up my next tank that my wife authorized...
  8. chainsaw5vent

    Price judge please

    :) i don't know how much all that equip would sell for...but if my main squeeze gave me the go ahead to get a larger tank, I would seriously consider keeping all the lighting equipment and look to find the tank used. keeps the cost down and keeps the squeeze happy <img...
  9. chainsaw5vent

    Why Skim?

    :D the simplest explaination that i give to my kids and the friends that want to know what a skimmer is and does is "'s like the toilet bowl for the fish tank" and they immediately get the idea. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" /> <img...
  10. chainsaw5vent


    yo javatech! i saw your tank on the diy post. looks good! :cool: the thing about southdown is that it is made out of aragonite sand, and that IF you can get it from your local home depot on the east coast, it costs about $4.00/50 lb bag. compared to upwards of...
  11. chainsaw5vent


    i've got 150 lbs in my 125 and it works well. the biggest thing is the cost. out here in so cal. you're doing good if you can find it for $15 or less. you may need to "seed" it with another bag of live sand or live rock. :)
  12. chainsaw5vent

    Best 100 gal+ in sump skimmer ????????

    check out "top fathom" skimmers ;)
  13. chainsaw5vent

    will these light bulbs work?

    :rolleyes: i agree with eric the red. i'm running some 6500k's on my tank and it will support leathers, but the flowerpot and hammer corals have died. :(
  14. chainsaw5vent

    Top Fathom Skimmers?

    :) is anyone out there using Top Fathom skimmers? i currently use a berlin h.o. on my 125 reef and am looking to upgrade. any info would be helpful. :cool:
  15. chainsaw5vent

    RedSea Berlin skimmer

    wamp has it right. my berlin h.o. has reduced bubbles currently. a few months ago, i removed it from the tank and had to tear it down and clear out the scum/sludge buildup that had blocked the air inlet. also, the air inlet will clog because of the dust that is in the air. <img...
  16. chainsaw5vent

    Green brittlestar...killer or scavenger?

    if that's the case, my brittle star never had the chance to become a killer. he was shredded by the small red w/ white polka dotted hairy legged hermit crab. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> crab now lives in his own tank. :(
  17. chainsaw5vent

    how to set fans on water temp controls? (goofyreefer)

    i've got my fan on a timer that coincides with the lighting coming on. works ok for me :cool:
  18. chainsaw5vent

    Flower Pot corals die quickly?

    mine is dying after 4-5 mos. i believe it is a combination of inadequate lighting and lack of direct feeding. :(
  19. chainsaw5vent

    Whats the dumbest thing you've ever done?

    talked back to my wife, pissed her off and didn't say sorry for several days. talk about the nuclear response!!! :o don't ever let her get that mad and stay that way... <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  20. chainsaw5vent

    Coraline on glass???

    uhh, panhead. my experience w/ scotchbrite is that it will scratch and remove chrome. maybe i was rubbing too hard? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />