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  1. surfnturf

    Lighting Reflectors

    I've been thinking about this lately, and had an idea using reflective white paint, like they use on street signs. I would think that if you can see a sign from over half a mile away, it would do a decent job in a hood. Maybe not, but it's worth trying if I can find the paint. BTW thanks for...
  2. surfnturf

    PVC cement

    You should wait at least 24 hours, even then I would run it under hot water to make sure almost everything is evaporated. It will continue to cure for some time, but after 24 hours it should be perfectly safe. If you want to play it really safe, wait 72 hours. HTH
  3. surfnturf

    Which skimmer for me??

    I think you'll be very happy with it, it's a good balance of price/performance.
  4. surfnturf

    black mollies

    This doesn't sound that cruel to me, mollies are estuary fish and are able to adjust to widely varying salinity, they do a lot better with low to medium salinity, than in pure freshwater. Sounds a lot better than taking guppies and dumping them in seawater.
  5. surfnturf

    Which Water??

    I'm not trying to argue with Bang, but I wouldn't use the distilled stuff. It depends on how they condense the water vapor, if they use aluminum or copper coils, then those metals could be in the water. Problem is you have no way of knowing. I'd probably stick with the RO/DI water.
  6. surfnturf

    Will niger trigger eat cleaner shrimp?

    I'd say it's a strong possibility, my Niger plucked a zebra hermit out of it's shell, but I don't think it tasted good, he hasn't done it again. I wanted to get some cleaner shrimp, but I kinda know that it will just be an expensive trigger snack. I hope yours doesn't eat the shrimp, but I...
  7. surfnturf

    setting up my tank

    "cycle" in a bottle seems to help somewhat, but I wouldn't use it, just let your tank cycle on its own, your LR has plenty of bacteria to seed the rest of the tank. Was the LR already cured? If it was, you may need to add something to get a cycle going in your tank, a few people are suggesting...
  8. surfnturf

    VERY cool/cheap way to cover up an IRON stand

    Was that a homebuilt stand? If it was whoever built it did a nice job, the welds on the iron even look good. Pretty clever way to do it.
  9. surfnturf

    Which skimmer for me??

    How much do you want to spend? Prizms have a bad rep, but they work great (for the price) for me and a lot of other people. SeaClones, I've heard are getting better, plus there is a mod out there that can make these perform better. Myself, I would go for an AquaC Remora, when the prizm dies...
  10. surfnturf


    There are many test kits out there for phosphates. You can use a poly-filter or a chemi-mat in your filter. Both remove phosphates as well as other polutants. There may be something better out there, maybe someone else has a better idea.HTH
  11. surfnturf

    Someone I need some advise Please

    Sometimes, crabs have trouble molting and die. That is the only time that they leave their shells(that I know of), other than to quickly dive into another shell. I have heard that if you don't have enough iodine in the water, this happens more often. I'm not saying that you have a problem...
  12. surfnturf

    Coralline algae growth

    algaeeater, I never noticed that RIOs weren't UL listed, checked mine and you are right. As for oil in the pump, I guess that it is possible that they put an oil in the with the windings to conduct heat away from them, then seal it in with epoxy. If the pump got hot enough to burn the epoxy, I...
  13. surfnturf

    umm help with 1st algea bloom...

    There are a lot of factors involved with red slime (cyanobacteria): nitrates, phosphates, areas of low water circulation and lighting (other factors as well, I'm sure). You mentioned that the tank has been going for 7 mos. so it is possible that your bulbs have shifted spectrum into a range...
  14. surfnturf

    Ammonia overload2

    Ammonia will still show up on a test kit when you use ammolock. It may depend on the test kit though. Water changes are a better way to reduce your ammonia until your biofilter kicks in. Ammolock is suppose to render the ammonia "safe" in your tank, but that ammonia is going to turn into...
  15. surfnturf

    My tank turned red...

    Here's a link to the article that Bang Guy referred to:
  16. surfnturf

    pH Problem

    It helps to put a small powerhead or an airstone in the container to stir it up. Some recommend 24 hours of mixing in the container before adding it to the tank.
  17. surfnturf

    filter sufficent??

    Really, it depends on what you plan to do with the tank. Are you going to just have fish, fish with live rock, or are you thinking of a coral/anenome tank. What you are planning on doing with it will dictate what eqipment you will need (or recommended), such as high wattage lighting for corals...
  18. surfnturf

    Cycling tank

    If your nitrite is still off the charts, you might be best off doing a water change to bring the nitrites down to a level within the range of your test kit. It sounds like your bacteria that work on the nitrite may have stalled. I don't think you can accurately test nitrate when the nitrite is...
  19. surfnturf

    about turbo snails

    mnreefman, I'm glad yours work good for you. Now that I think back, I was upset cuz the petstore that sold me the turbos told me that they would help clean up Cyano. They wouldn't touch that, I was about to fire them, but then they fell on their backs and died. I don't get cyano anymore, and...
  20. surfnturf

    filter sufficent??

    Do you have live rock in the tank, if so, how much? My other question is have you looked into, or thought about getting a protein skimmer. They are recommended by almost everyone.