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  1. surfnturf

    coroline growth

    What do you have for lighting? It doesn't take MH to grow coralline, but you do need decent light.
  2. surfnturf

    why coraline algae?

    It does use up some of the nitrate and phosphate out of the water, so it does to a small extent help with filtration. It can compete with nuisance algae and reduce it's proliferation in the tank. And it looks nice.
  3. surfnturf

    I Think Its Beaten Me...i'm Ready To Give It Up!!

    Give things about 2 weeks to calm down, then you can start to add stuff. A fish a week is a good period to let the bacteria adjust. Sorry for the loss, but you learned something from it so it is not really a total loss. If you've been tossing around the idea of a larger tank, now you have the...
  4. surfnturf

    how to make kent scapers stronger!

    Zack, I dont know what to tell you, I don't know of any way to remove coralline without damaging acrylic coralline is much tougher than acrylic, hopefully someone else will jump in.
  5. surfnturf

    Denitrator Hooked up, anyone use one?

    I have read just about every DIY article on this subject including the one you posted, there may be some merit to the idea, but it does sound like a lot of hastle. If you don't get the drip rate right, you could kill everything in your tank. I think a DSB is definitely the way to go if you...
  6. surfnturf

    What should i have for lighting

    For low light corals, these would work, look at the 6 x 96 watt Bright Kit, that would give you 3.2 Watts per gal. It'd be well lit. at BTW, the only reason I am posting a link to this is that does not carry a product in this range.
  7. surfnturf

    Internal vs. External

    If you were going to use the Iwaki as a return pump, why not just build a pvc pipe deal to pull water from the bottom of the sump, up over the wall of the sump and into the intake of the Iwaki. I'd hold onto the Iwaki, whatever you decide to do.
  8. surfnturf

    Fantasy tank

    Oh Yeah, you're an addict.:D If you could find the right curved acrylic you could have a "shark tunnel" like they have at SeaWorld.
  9. surfnturf

    few questions

    Hard to say about the paddlefin, sounds like maybe a gill infection of some sort, are his respirations faster than normal? Another food that you may want to try is Mysis shrimp, they are highly nutritious and fish usually take them pretty well. Sorry I can't help you with the paddlefin, I...
  10. surfnturf

    Feeding coral?

    Just use a piece of airline tubing placed near the coral to spot feed. Stick the tubing in the bottle, cap the other end with your thumb, put the end down by the coral, then uncap the other end. HTH
  11. surfnturf

    Dam it!!!

    Hey Josh, I've been in that church, truly awe inspiring. If anybody ever visits St. Louis they should check that out, religious or not!
  12. surfnturf

    PH's for a 46 bow

    You should have 10x the capacity of the tank in gph so 2 402's, one on each side of the tank pointing at each other would be good. By directing their flows at each other it can break up or "randomize" the flow. It would also be a good idea to have a small powerhead(201 or 301) providing flow...
  13. surfnturf

    need opinions for DIY auto-top off

    Gotta say Bang, that is pretty darn clever! I have seen some smaller carboys, I think 2.5 gallon, I'm pretty sure I saw them at Target or something. Maybe for smaller setups those would work well.
  14. surfnturf

    Need HELP!

    While the tank is still full, check the sides of the stand with your level to make sure it is plumb, the idea being that the stand is somehow leaning. Weird situation, any chance you could post a picture of the stand so we can see what you're dealing with? If you have a good length of clear...
  15. surfnturf

    Atinic White Bulb

    50(actinic)/50(daylight) seems to be the most popular combination and gives a nice balance. HTH, personally I like straight 10,000K, bright white with just the right amount of blue.
  16. surfnturf

    EWW!! what are these things all over my glass?!

    Sounds like about the right population density for the San Diego area:D LOL. Lived there for a while, gotta love I-5 at about 5:00 p.m.:D
  17. surfnturf

    DIY Skimmer Q?

    Instead of using a venturi, you can also use a piece of airline to introduce air into the impeller of the pump, put an air control valve on the airline. This slows the flow of the pump without restricting the output side. It gives you great bubbles for a skimmer. If you are going to build...
  18. surfnturf

    Has my Coral Beauty gone insane?

    Originally posted by daveatstupid Should I let him out? Yeah! take him for a walk, probably just needs some excercise:D LOL
  19. surfnturf

    Plenum - How do you construct it?

    Here's some good info, there really isn't much to it.
  20. surfnturf

    What would you expect to pay for a 75 Galon Perfecto or All-Glass?

    That's a great price for that tank! Buy me one too:D