Search results

  1. flricordia

    Having trouble with your zoas?

    Originally Posted by Debbie Mike, would the addition of iodine benefit rics too or just zoas?? Now, my little pico is 2.8 gal as you know. How much and how often would you add iodine to this tank so I don't over do it?? Debbie .... I started using Kent's Iodine back in 92 when I started my...
  2. flricordia

    What's up with all this Le crap?

    Le Pink Passions. Le peach, Le orange, Le sunset, Le tropical., LE, Le, le... I am starting to see this all over. What the **** does it mean and why are these vendors all starting to put this onto the common names of the corals they are selling? Is it supposed to make them more desirable. It...
  3. flricordia

    Having trouble with your zoas?

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 what does 35ppt translate into sg? Mine is at 1.025. that a good spot? Perfect
  4. flricordia

    Having trouble with your zoas?

    Just a small tip if you are having trouble with your zoas, really any corals, and you happen to keep your salinity on the low side for the benifit of your fish. Many of us keep our salinity on the low side becasue parasites have difficulty hosting our fish, but what about our corals health? If...
  5. flricordia

    New find

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick Dude, you are a zoanthid pimp. Where do you get this stuff? secret
  6. flricordia

    calcium level

    If you want fast growing coraline try kalwassr in your topoff and Kent's liquid calcium daily per direction. You will need to use kent's strontium/moly also. I agree, purple up is a waste of money. I tryed it and tossed a half bottle. Now all I use is Kent's stron/moly, liquid calcium, top-off...
  7. flricordia

    PPE Morph

    If that center keeps greening up those are going to be awesome.
  8. flricordia

    New find

    If they have no name on zoaID I thought I would name them Bengal Eyes? What do you think?
  9. flricordia

    New find

    Originally Posted by CoralJunkie Thats it........Mike has a deal with the DEVIL That is the only way to explain him getting all these amazing zoas
  10. flricordia

    New find

    These are so cool looking. Just got them. Can't wait till they fully open to see the entire pattern.
  11. flricordia

    PPE Morph

    Pink Rim PE morph?
  12. flricordia

    Silly, quick question about water changes

    My firstg and best nano reef ever was a 20 long, way back in the early 90s when FL LR was availabel. I had a bare bottom (the tank, not me) and a perforated spray bar along the back that blew all the detritus/debris to the front. Every morning I syphoned off a qt and replaced it with new salt...
  13. flricordia

    is it alive?

    Those are common hitchhikers. They are filter feeders and usually pretty hardy. They close tight and survive beign in the dry for a time even. Usually they jsut stay put. You dion't nee dto bother feeding it directly, they do very well on the excess from fish/coral feedings.
  14. flricordia

    Fishfreak's 75RR upgrade

    looks like you have the makings for an awesome setup. What are you planning on doing with it? FOWLR or reef?
  15. flricordia

    Algae Growth! HELP!!!!

    Can you describe it or post some pics? There are far too many different alga types that can spring up from a change in lighting, though it usually is not the lighting that is the cause, jsut helped fuel it. It could be excess nitrates, phosphates, a number of different things. What type of...
  16. flricordia

    No new zoa threads?

    I vote that SWF posts some WYSIWYG on the auction site whether fish, corals and/or inverts and let pple bid on them. Why not? They started the auction site so why shouldn't they participate in it? What does everyone think?
  17. flricordia

    Seaclone 150

    Originally Posted by Blue Eye What do i have to do to (find it) as u say. It has been hooked up for 8 hours and nothing in the cup yet. Does the vavle need to be open all the way or closed all the way or in the middle. I dont know. If you are getting foam then it is working. It normally takes...
  18. flricordia

    Help not there

    I just saw the thread myself. I did see that I was mentioned about geting a little help, but I never got a Pm about it. How can you get any help if you don't seek it? Are pple supposed to hunt down those that are needing help here? I see you got a painted angler too. You do know that it will...
  19. flricordia

    Zoo w Alge

    Get a couple emerald crabs and while they are clearing the algae work on what is causeing the algae in the first place. Try kalwasser in your top off water per directions, protein skimming and phosphate removing with phosban or like product. What is causing the algae to grow? Probably...
  20. flricordia

    Where IS Everybody???

    Getting drunk and fragging. My 2 favorite passtimes.