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  1. boozzbro

    Pregnant Cleaner Shrimp??

    Originally Posted by Good Alex where did your shrimps lay the eggs, was it in a rock or just out in the open did any of the baby shrimp make it through withought being eaten? they carry the eggs until they are ready to hatch. THey will release the fry into the current and the fry will head...
  2. boozzbro

    After a tank move??

    then i think you should be fine. the spike if anything should be minimal.
  3. boozzbro

    After a tank move??

    the aged water helps. However its the filter that needs to cycle not the water so you will have some cycle. the length will depend on how much cured live rock/ live sand you have.
  4. boozzbro

    Best kind of Salt Mix??

    Originally Posted by HatesSushi I started with Oceanic and found the calcium was over 500 and alk was way low. I also found my Ph was low also. I switched to Tropic Marin Pro Reef and found nearly the same issues with calcium and alk but the pH was better but still low. Both salts dissolved...
  5. boozzbro

    Best kind of Salt Mix??

    What i meant is it dissolved easier/ faster. IO is phospahte free and i didn not see a problem with that. Tropic marin seems to have more trace elements so i dont ahve to dose as often as i did with IO and the CA/ MG levels are higher so again i dont have to dose. aditionally the bucket of...
  6. boozzbro

    Pregnant Cleaner Shrimp??

    shrimp are hemaphroditic so you just need 2 in the tank for them to spawn. the eggs will become duller and more a brownish color when they are ready to hatch (usually about 2 weeks after they are fertalized). the shrimp will carry the eggs on their underside until they are ready to hatch. it is...
  7. boozzbro


    I personally would not try it. I have a raccoon butterfly and an Emperor angel in teh same tank. The Emperor feels that they look enough alike to try and whoop on the butterfly every once in a while. in my experience if they fish look alike theyll fight. just my 2 cents
  8. boozzbro

    Best kind of Salt Mix??

    Tropic Marin Pro Reef if you switch from Instant Ocean like i did youll notice the difference the first time you mix it up.
  9. boozzbro

    Humu Humu Trigger

    thats what their "triggers" are made for. is pretty common. Thats how my humu sleeps.
  10. boozzbro

    2 angel fish-same tank?

    i think your best bet would be to get a large angel with your drawf. The size difference between the 2 different fish could help you out. Although with a 150 you just add the other angel at the opposite side from the thank that the currently one has its territory at.
  11. boozzbro

    Mandarin Fish

    in my experience 4 -5 days is not nearly long enough. if you really need it fast a month at the least.
  12. boozzbro

    Mandarin Fish

    you need a fuge to do it. if you google you cna find stuff about keeping pod cultures and what not. i woudlnt do it without a fuge a butt load of live rock (>75 lbs) and places in the tank the fish cant get to to allow pod reproduction in the main tank too.
  13. boozzbro

    pods from fuge to tank questions

    Im a little different. i have the Hang on the Back fuge. they just overflow right into the tank. ive only had it a couple of weeks though so i havent had time for the pods to reproduce to teh point where they are pretty much constantly in the display tank. So still a few more months before the...
  14. boozzbro

    Killer fire shrimp???

    i doubt your fire shrimp killed any of the fish. i do however believe it may have killed the other shrimp. like it was staked above they typically wont kill to feed. they will eat what they can. if they fish are wear/dying they may pick at them and make the situation worse. but they generally...
  15. boozzbro

    Emperor Angel questions.

    the only thing mine bothers is my raccoon butterfly fish. I think its becasue they both have rounded rear fins which makes their bodies resemble each other. i have it in with a clarki clown, lawnmower blenny and purcupine puffer. i havent seen any real aggression from it except as mentioned...
  16. boozzbro

    Puffer question

    mine will generally eat anything i put in the tank (usually clams, shrimp, krill frozen/freeze dried, and silversides). his favorite is krill. if there is krill in the tank then he just goes for that.
  17. boozzbro

    CB shrimp pregant any chance they will survive??

    the eggs will hatch but it is difficult to impossibel to raise them. i tried with my skunk cleaner shrimp about 10 times but have given up. the shrimp will carry the eggs until they hatch. The fry wil then swim to the nearest light source which causes a problem since that puts them on the...
  18. boozzbro

    will 56 due

    what type of hard corals? in my oppinon 4 to 5 watts per gallon is required for stony type corals. It also depends a lot on what type of ighting it is. 56 watts of pc lighting is not the same as 56 watts of halinde lighting (if they even make them that small)
  19. boozzbro

    how many tangs?

    one word "google" its the best worst invention ever. in my opinion google is single handedly responsible for people not knowing how to use libraries anymore
  20. boozzbro

    how many tangs?

    if people are seriously considering buying a fish they should do their reserarch. whcih means looking up info about the fish, eg. what they eat, recomended water parameters, and adult size. its usually not hard and doestn take too long. easiest way to do it is to just post here asking what you...