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  1. dirtybilge

    Filter/algae/white worms(?) questions

    I think there tube worms.
  2. dirtybilge

    Handpicked Clowns

    Sell them on this site I sold my clowns on this site fast! I would then buy mated pairs, and use a tank divider. This would help pairs establish territories on the opposite sides of the tank. ED
  3. dirtybilge

    These three fish?

    I bet the Emporor will be fine with a Naso, but beware the Emporor is very hard to keep in home aquariums. ED
  4. dirtybilge


    I have left mine CBS molt in the tank. ED
  5. dirtybilge

    Feeding of Freshwater Feeders to a Salt/Brackish/Freshwater Fish?

    I think there was a long artical about this topic in FAMA about three months ago. ED
  6. dirtybilge

    Blue Dot Jawfish

    You have a DSB so he can make his den, but $100 bucks for a fish that hinds alots, hummm? just my 2 cents. ED
  7. dirtybilge

    new fish

    Go with 3 baggi cardinal fish they look great in groups! ED :p
  8. dirtybilge


    Cool your anenomies are going to die under the lights you have on your tank right now you need to buy a hood with something like an Icecap 660 with four, four foot 110 watt bulbs two 10K white and two blue atintic. Or you could buy a couple 175 or 250 watt Metal Halide's with the additions of...
  9. dirtybilge

    how many tangs

    go for 2-3 tangs and 2-3 large angles, they will get alone alot better! ED
  10. dirtybilge

    Tank Lighting

    I bet your tank will only hold about 30-40 lbs of LR because of its size, 3"-4" of live sand is fine.
  11. dirtybilge

    would like your suggestions

    Put a stone fish in it, or a type of leef fish or if you can find one a Nautaulis!
  12. dirtybilge

    Anyone else use a timer for their lights?

    I don't see how it is possible not to use timers, I have timers on all my tanks. ED
  13. dirtybilge

    difference in VHO and compact fluoresent

    I agree with reefin, buy an Icecap ballist there great!
  14. dirtybilge

    Anemone in my 16

    Your going to need more light, I would sugest the new powerquad from CustomSealife or you could go with one 10K 175W MH, its up to you, I have seen the new powerquad and its really bright and compact! ED
  15. dirtybilge

    banded coral shrimp lost it's arms - terminal?

    Leave him in there after he molts again he will grow two new arms. I bought a CBS for $10 form $15 because he only had one arm, three weeks later he has two agian. ED
  16. dirtybilge

    Tang Aggression

    You have to many fish in too small of a tank, you will have prob;em in that small of a tank.
  17. dirtybilge

    Balls of algea?

    I will buy an emerald crab! ED :p
  18. dirtybilge

    Balls of algea?

    What are the balls of algea that grow on my live rock called and what fish eats them? ED <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  19. dirtybilge

    URI Bulbs and other Lighting Q's

    You will get more out of your bulbs if you have a very reflective surface behind them. I use the URI bulbs and I think there good but when you fire tham up you will see the whole bulb lights up that means light is excapeing form the back off the bulb why not reflect it back into the tank. ED
  20. dirtybilge

    Fish for 220 Gal FOWLR

    Powder Blue Tang Red Sea Tang Austrialian Tusk Fish Queen Angle Chevron Tang Sohal Tang French Angle Emprore Angle 5-7 Baggi Cardinal Fish Flame Hawk Fish Lawnmowwer Blenny I would say with your size tank you could buy 5 to 6 of the larger fish i=on this list! ED :p