Search results

  1. dirtybilge

    90G v.s. 180G

    I would get the 180, but four 90G tanks is a very cool costly idea. Accumulate a couple of small triggers, angle's and tangs. ED
  2. dirtybilge

    Oxygen levels in Tank

    just make sure you have a well made skimmer thats the right size for your tank and you will have plenty of O2 ED
  3. dirtybilge

    How long does everone run their Lights?

    I run my 285 watts of VHO's on my 65G for 12 hours. ED
  4. dirtybilge

    what mh lighting should i get

    That would be some heavy lights you could buy any clam or sps, I also agree with golfish. ED
  5. dirtybilge

    Single or double halide + PC System

    Insted of debating what kind of MH setup to buy invest in a 75 or 90G thats a 4' tank and you can but a dual MH setup. The bewst part of this idea is that you can put some many different kinds of fish in a four foot tank rather than a three foot. ED
  6. dirtybilge

    400 Watt Metal Halide

    I just got my complete 400 Watt Metal Halide setup in the mail and its awsome! I droped it on the top of my 65G and I love it. Everyones right MH is the best I love my Icecap Metal Halide stuff is just cool. I am sure my coraline algea will love it also. ED:p
  7. dirtybilge

    10 Red Bellies Pr.4Sail NYCity

    I use the aucual RO/DI water for my reef tank. And instead of letting the water go down the drain I use it for my fresh water tanks. The water out of my tap mesures at about 160 ppm and the waste water from my RO/DI mesures at about 50ppm so its a lot better than tap since it passes thru a 1...
  8. dirtybilge

    10 Red Bellies Pr.4Sail NYCity

    I have ten Red Bellies for sale. I have raised them since babies they are 20 months old. All of them are about 5" to 7" and in a 90 gallon tank with two Fluvals running. I change 25% of the water every week. I use the watse water from my RO/DI unit, big improvment from tap water. They...
  9. dirtybilge

    Little giant

    Look on this site, if not will sell the parts you need. ED:p
  10. dirtybilge

    PC vs. VHO

    I use both VHO's and PC's and I would recomended Icecap VHO's all the way. Expensive but worth it. You can also run PC's lamp off an Icecap ballist.
  11. dirtybilge

    My 120 gallon tank comes in next month. Need fish choices advice.

    Get a Queen Angle, and all tangs are really cool fish. ED
  12. dirtybilge

    What is the all time favorate salt water fish??

    A 20" Queen trigger and Queen Angle ED
  13. dirtybilge

    Pix of my Tank

    cool Tank I would invest some money into aleast 200 watts of VHO or Metal Halides the more the merryer. Ed
  14. dirtybilge

    For Sale Golden Semilarvatus Butterfly Fish

    I am selling this fish on follow the link
  15. dirtybilge

    New Prizm Skimmer

    Has any bought the new Prizm skimmer? How well does it work. I am thinking of putting one on my 165G because its little brother has such a good reputation. Its rated up to 300G tanks. The 18 blade inpeller seems like a good inovation also. ED :p
  16. dirtybilge

    skimmer advice

    Richard you have the best tank pics i have ever seen! ED <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  17. dirtybilge

    berlin 250 help

    Turn the nob and lower the amount of air that you let in the skimmer. This will also increase its flow. Its takes time and patience to get it just right. ED
  18. dirtybilge

    My Lighting options, please read.

    Look on the site since your here, or you can go ro <a href="" target="_blank"></a> I us them alot and am happy. ED
  19. dirtybilge

    How many of you run Fluvals, and why?

    Yes hook it up an put nylon fulff in one of the chambers and it will work alright on a reef tank. I run a 304 and 404 both on a fresh water 90 and ver good bang for the buck. ED
  20. dirtybilge

    UV For Sale

    What kind of UV is it? ED