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  1. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    So far I lost one and it was in the trascision (wrong spelling :) of coming out of the egg. The male dropped the egg and I guess it didn't hatch. But other than that, I haven't lost any more. I just counted today and I have exactly 46 babies!!!! I'm buying a comercial holding unit to hold them...
  2. cpbirds407

    Do I dare feed my fish some turkey today?

    dont do it! theres grease, oils, and stuff that can damage your water!
  3. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    thank you sooo much! Do you know how long approx. will it take for them to be a descent size? Maybe size of a dime?
  4. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals video of the baby cardinals
  5. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Bang Guy, How do I even get them to eat dead food? It seems like they come, taste it and then spit it back out! Or sometimes they just ignore it! Any suggestions? Is this garlic thing any help?
  6. cpbirds407

    How to properly set up a "pair" of tomato clowns.

    Ok, I should of explain a little better. The reason that I had them in the net was because I had another fish that I was trying to catch from my tank. I cought it and I released the "pair" into the tank.
  7. cpbirds407


    I wouldn't risk it. I surely have seen anemones do well under MH. I think the light is not strong enough. Just my opinion.
  8. cpbirds407

    clown ID

    False percula or ocellaris clown.
  9. cpbirds407

    How to properly set up a "pair" of tomato clowns.

    By the way, they are in the bag because I'm putting them in my 75. So, while acclimating them, I took a pic.
  10. cpbirds407

    How to properly set up a "pair" of tomato clowns.

    Hello everyone! I just bought two tomato clowns and I put them together in a breeding net. They have been there for two days. I just noticed that the larger one was trying to bite the little one and I did see that both of his fins are a little broken. So, will they get along eventually? or will...
  11. cpbirds407

    How many BTA's can I have in a 55 gallon?

    I've had different ones together and never had a problem. Just my experience.
  12. cpbirds407

    2 year maintenence?

    Originally Posted by NewtoReef_tank I only change my sponge when rinsein dos not work anymore. I do too! no need in replacing a sponge that works. What really needs replacing is the charcoal or activated carbon.
  13. cpbirds407

    Clownfish is going nuts!!!!!!

    yup, Mine killed a plate coral!!! Errrr.
  14. cpbirds407

    Cardinal holding babies?!

    He will Hold the eggs/babies for a few weeks. I'm pretty sure that when you come back he will still have them in its mouth. Mine kept them in his mouth for almost three weeks! Hopefully, yours will do the same. I dont think that the refuge thing is a good idea. But its just my opinion.
  15. cpbirds407

    Cardinal holding babies?!

    Originally Posted by FMarini MsEz2u-- you ask why the banggai are placed on the IUCN redlist/Endangered species list? Short answer--the hobby. These fish have been overcollected to provide the hobby fish for our aquarium. Banggais are a unique population in that they mouthbrood, make very few...
  16. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Thank you FMarini. Those are some surely kind words! I appreciate all your info!
  17. cpbirds407

    Time frame?

    I need more info. Size tank? Live rock? Live sand? Longevity of the tank? Any fish in there yet? I have done reeftanks where as soon as my tank is cicled, I've put softies in it. However, it is best if you wait at least 6 months. And it truly depends on your set up. Good luck!
  18. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    This is my brine shrimp hatchery!!! LOL Right on the kitchen counter! Luckly my wife likes the baby fish so she hasn't said anything YET!!! Every day I have to put a fresh pot of coffee ( I meant Brine) so I have freshly newly hatched brine to feed these littke creatures! THIS IS MAD...
  19. cpbirds407

    Cardinal holding babies?!

    Ha!!! You got it!!! YOur male has eggs in his mouth! Look at my thread ii this forum. You'll see the whole process that I've gone thru! Now you will go thru the same! Try to save the babies since they are on the endangered list. It would be cool if you can help the species by producing some...
  20. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Wow!!! Great info! Thanks FMarini! At the moment I'm feeding brine and now that I know that I can feed the baby brine phytoplankton, I will start. I was just feeding newly hatched baby brine not older than 24 hours. (for the yolk sac) I bought phyto feast from my local fish store, is that ok to...