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  1. reefer44

    update on tank

    i have seen thousands upon thousands of soft corals and yours look close to the healthiest i have seen.......good job Brad
  2. reefer44

    A Clam...For me?

    crocea seems a little more finicky.......but not much more...i didn't look at your tank size.....really any clam would be fine for you Brad
  3. reefer44

    A Clam...For me?

    every one ecept crocea.........try a squamosa first......get one about 4-6"......if smaller you will have to feed every few days Brad
  4. reefer44

    copperhead butterfly?

    buying them will just encourage them to collect.......what makes you think your theory is correct......what qualifies to find out reason for this when many great biolgist are still not sure.......i say leave it in nature where it belongs.. Brad
  5. reefer44

    100 gal. reef stocking list.....

    for sps waaaaaaaaaaaay to many fish.......chevron and clown will fight....switch one of the those with a pruple or yellow tang (dif. body shape)..........also try to cut the cardnals to just one Brad
  6. reefer44

    clam help

    from what temp did it go to 84 from....were the other perameters fine............i hae had this happen several times sense i just moved my tank (i had a spike that was from 75-85) and my corals were fine......just stressed....not bleaching in acros and everything is better than before now...
  7. reefer44

    100 gal. reef stocking list.....

    it depends what corals are you planning??? Brad
  8. reefer44

    My 180g setup (with many pictures)

    hey serg i think dan is getting 36 acros on tuesday and he is suppose to get 25 this week (he gets it direct so sometimes the ppl don't ship on right days so its hard to telll if he will have them).......but they are going to be pretty well priced and once we get them you can frag them and trade...
  9. reefer44

    qurantine ???

    just leave them in for a week and a half to see if eating and any signs of illness........i personally don't use one cause i can control ick outbreacks within the main display within a few days the fish seem to adapt to my water and they recover within a day...(i have had one fish shipped to me...
  10. reefer44

    clam help

    what are you growing in your tank to have a meltdown at 84 ........and sps grow much faster at 80 and well as clams.........i have kept my reefs at both and i am reaching insane growth rates on both clams and sps.....clams are growing between 1/2" and 1 1/2" inches a month and sps are...
  11. reefer44

    clam help

    ponopie (sp.) vietnam is were very many gorgeous clams come from (they are ill collected there so i don't reccomend buying every clam from there)......the water there is around 80-82 degrees.......also clams don't really use strotium and iodine.....most clam and sps guys including me don't even...
  12. reefer44

    clam help

    clams like a little nitrates (which i don't have in my current tank but in my last they seem to lower nitrates cause they use it) if you are afriad to keep a clam ina tank with trace amounts of nitrates don't worry they will be just fine.......also what are you talking about trace...
  13. reefer44

    clam help

    are you serious....80 is on a low side......i keep my sps tank at 80 in the winter and at around 83 in the summer.....i have gotten 1 cm of growth in 2 weeks on one of my clams in my new tank......also out of the 5 i have not one seems to like the lower temps.....the higher the temp. the higher...
  14. reefer44

    copperhead butterfly?

    i agree with kip and you should do some research on them.........they tend to like anenomes and feather duters and some sps....i have never heard of the clam thing though i haven't researched this fish very well.....i would stay away from them intill you have kept other fish that are harder than...
  15. reefer44

    clam help

    everything seems fine from your info you gave us...but if clams are closing then things aren't fine...test every perameter you can and then see if you notice anything odd (snails on them and stuff) if they are not attched try turning h=them over and checking the foot.......also at night check...
  16. reefer44

    New aquascaping...rate

    if your going sps i would take half of it out, 'cause i think they look much better with open spaces (but some ppl think my tank needs more rock)....i guess its all in the eye of the beholder.....what makes you happy is what is going to be the best thing in the long run Brad
  17. reefer44

    Would you do this? And do you think its a good Idea?

    i bought base rock for my tank from the florida "grave yards" and it just needs to be washed and then it works can see pics of it in this forum...under my 180g setup Brad
  18. reefer44

    PH problem continued (bang)

    yea those are hard to read....i am glad i have a pH meter and don't have to deal with one of those test kits... Brad
  19. reefer44

    yasha hase gobis

    possibly but something that suttle doesn't usually reprsent ---...just dif color pattern......not an expert but i would just guess it to be a color morph (like in a clown goby) Brad
  20. reefer44

    PH problem continued (bang)

    hmmm with a dkh of 7.5 and that calcium you should be alright with your pH??????????some ppl run theres that low....(well not quite that low but below 8.00) also do you run a calc reactor?????