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  1. phil1964

    OT: Bad news for me!!!

    Where are you? There?
  2. phil1964

    800g......lots of pics.

    Rye, guys, don't take the annoying avatar the wrong way. Well, how else could you take it? It just makes my heart beat faster. Kind of like a 70's strobe light I made in shop.:cool: As long as you are happy.
  3. phil1964

    Adult emperor angels

    Thanks. It is acclimating now. Had a rough trip. Bag leaked some but he is kicking. I hope it is a fighter! Can't wait to get a good look at it
  4. phil1964

    Test results are in, NITRATE are pegged out!!

    fishman622 Did you mean me? I have a yellow tang, flame angel, blenny, percs and 5 chromis. The other tank has only a clarkii clown
  5. phil1964

    Test results are in, NITRATE are pegged out!!

    I am planning on starting a fuge. Just got a 29 gal for it. I have nitrate problems too but mine are at 40-60. This is in 2 different tanks with 2 different test kits. Never higher never lower no matter what I do. I am going to set up a fuge on one tank and see if it helps.
  6. phil1964

    When to remove bioballs?

    I did this. I took out 50 per week. Never knew there were so many in there. I figure I took out about 350 over 4 weeks with no ammonia detected at all. I put in some LR rubble I had laying around. I have detected no changes to the tank good or bad and it has been about 2 months now. I did leave...
  7. phil1964

    Cyclop-eez question

    I have seen powder and frozen. Which do you prefer?
  8. phil1964

    OT Remember flight 93

    I remember. I will never forget it. How can we. It is everywhere now. We should not be allowed to forget.
  9. phil1964

    Adult emperor angels

    are in stock at Anyone have/had one? Good/bad? I want I want but I am worried about killing such a great looking animal. Edit: tank is doing well at 1 year, flame, yellow tang, clowns, chromis...
  10. phil1964

    800g......lots of pics.

    Ryebread wins the most annoying avatar award!
  11. phil1964

    redid my rock work

    What? No pic?
  12. phil1964

    36 out of 40 are dead

    "I don't trust any online fish place" I order everything (except frozen food) online I like the guarantees and I figure if it was shipped half way across the world to a wholesaler I guess it can be shipped to me. has sent me hi quality stuff. I did a clean up crew package in the...
  13. phil1964

    How to move Halameda?

    I am no expert but had a bunch of this at one time. It was always growing out of a rock. Some got huge and when it broke off I stuck it somewhere else. Eventually it all turned to whit dust. Nice while it lasted. Good luck with yours.
  14. phil1964

    OT: SCUBQ Cert.

    I did it about 15 years ago. I could barely swim but follow the rules and it is safe and easy. I still can't swim well:D
  15. phil1964

    Picking out a new fish

    These replys are making me start to doubt again!:rolleyes: I do the QT thing with a 46 gal. There has been sucess and death in there. Right now it is packed with more LR and ready for fish. I have another thread asking about getting an angel. I am looking for a larger one but the QT tank might...
  16. phil1964

    Mixing angels

    OK mixing dwarfs is hit or miss and I don't want to try it but what about a dwarf (I have a 3" flame) and a large angel. I am thinking emperor or queen or french Would they fight? The tank is a 180 and the only other large fish is a yellow tang. All others are little guys. What if the new angel...
  17. phil1964

    Where did all my pods go?

    I had pods out the ying yang at 4-6 months. Now at 11 months the only ones I see are in a filter pad when I clean house. They are always large ones and I try to pick them out with a tweezer. I usually get 20 or so. They are quite large and I figure they must be reproducing but I do not see them...
  18. phil1964

    The Tusk, he ate.

  19. phil1964

    Picking out a new fish

    I used to see posts about people wanting help to pick a fish to buy and thought 'Duh' but I was wrong (first time, right ?). It IS really tough. I have 10 small fish in a 180, percs, chromis, flame, tang, some shrimp. I have not added anything in 4 months. There is pleanty of room but it is...
  20. phil1964

    I love Guam

    I heard Guam does not change time for daylight savings. Just like the black hole of Indiana! We want to see pics!