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  1. phil1964

    OT: Go Cubs !!!

    Hey hey holy mackeral No doubt about it The cubs are on their way R.I.P. to Jack Brickhouse
  2. phil1964

    OT: Go Cubs !!!

    You know why cubs fans get so excited when they are doing well? Because they very rarely do well! I grew up on the cubs thru the 70 & 80's I think they did well in 79 and this year. I secreatly pray for them !
  3. phil1964

    Flood! - Help

    'You may have broken the siphon' I agree. I did that the day I first set up. Never had a sump before and I remember standing there watching water pour out of the top thinking to myself, 'Why is it doing that?' Cleaned it up really quick and the wife never knew!
  4. phil1964

    My Emerald crab is on steroids

    I bought 5 when I started out. 4 never grew much and 1 is a mutant. I very rarely see them but they did get rid of all green bubbles except on power heads where they can’t get to. They have not bothered anything.
  5. phil1964

    Called the IO company

    Squidd, my barrel looks the same. I also beleive I had a bad bucket of IO It was cloudy when mixing and on addind to the tank clouded it all up for 2 hours. Did not loose anything but after mixing a 2nd batch and seeing it cloudy I pitched it. Probably should have got a lot no. or something.
  6. phil1964

    ot: motorcycle licence test today

    I want a bike BAD I will be 39 next week and have had only one ride on one.I told my wife when I turn 40 I am getting a bike. She said NO and ment it. I said I am getting a bike next year or I am getting a corvette. She said get the vette and ment it. I have saved over $500 so far. I might be...
  7. phil1964

    Tang loves shrimp.

    My yellow eats anything. ANYTHING! Except that stringy red/purple algae growing on the glass. WHY :rolleyes:
  8. phil1964

    How do you mourn for the dead?

    I hope this does not offend. I hope this helps. And go out and buy another one. When your tank is ready !
  9. phil1964

    How many have NEMO TANKS!

    I have not seen the movie yet. Don't ruin it for me! I do have two percs that are pre-nemo and doing well except for one missing eye ! RyeBread how the h e ! ! do you take such great pics? And don't stress out too much. Keep on sharking.
  10. phil1964

    Probs w/ soft corals

    Thanks, MichaelTX Should the dead stuff be scraped off the rock? Guess I will try again.
  11. phil1964

    Probs w/ soft corals

    I got a rock with xenia on it 3 months ago. Some was brown and some white. All the larger brown ones have shrunk up 2 weeks ago but the white ones are pulsing away. Also I have some anthelia that has been fine for 3 months and 2 days ago it is shunk up to nothing but little buds. Green star...
  12. phil1964

    do fish have tongues?

    Thomas712 You are a fountain of information!
  13. phil1964

    Anybody know why...

    It did it again. I viewed wablondie98664 reply earlier today, marked it read and now it was not marked read. Just popped up near the top again.
  14. phil1964

    Green Chromis from

    I just got an order Fri and as usual it was great. There was an item out of stock and after a small mix up I even got a phone call from them. I did get some chromis and a flame a while back and they were perfect.
  15. phil1964

    Anybody know why...

    When I pick "mark this forum read" threads I have alredy read keep coming up as new threads?
  16. phil1964

    OT: Phil1964

    Ah, a south sider. I lived north of the tracks by Addison, the good side !:D I assume you went to Mannheim junior high. Right in the middle of the strip clubs. God, I loved that place. I still have an X that came off the Club Tarray sign, XXX ---- girls if that place is still there! Later
  17. phil1964

    OT: For Ajroc31

    Just wanted to say Hi and mention that I grew up in Franklin Pk. Lived on N. Ernst. Moved away in 1979 Great old little burb that I drive thru every time I am back in the area. Memories…:)
  18. phil1964

    A few shots from both tanks

    Not to be difficult but... Why don't people post the names of things with the pics for us coral challanged people? :( It would help me a bunch. Thanks in advance ;)
  19. phil1964

    peppermint coral baded shrimp

    Spell check
  20. phil1964


    I had a lump of cash under my mattress that kept me from sleeping well at night. Oh, and my kids were not taking up enough of my time so I started a salt tank. Really it was the colors that won out over fresh. Can't beat it. Can I have a frag and borrow $5 please:)