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  1. phil1964


    Of course. I forgot the free shipping. That makes it worth it too. One negative I can mention. If you have a death to use the guarantee you need to re-order the same fish. You can't change your mind and try something else. At least this is the way it was for me. Still it is all good.
  2. phil1964


    Agreed. I like them too. 6 day guarantee good. 10 day guarantee, better. That is the only thing that draws me away. Sometimes:sneaky:
  3. phil1964

    Regal Angel

    Good luck to you. I just lost a large emperor last night due to a shipping problem. I thought about a reagal but... Keep us updated.
  4. phil1964

    Clown Arrived Dead

    Just got another order from Their packaging is the best I have seen. Held at fedex, pickup at noon, reason to take half day off work $75 ? I wanted 2 cleaner shrimp, $36 4 conches, 'bout $25 need more feather dusters!! $15 Than makes $75 no problem But wait, while I am here give me...
  5. phil1964

    Flame Scallop

    I am going on 6 months with mine. I feed every 2 or 3 days. I use a piece of tubing to blow food right at it soo I don't need to put in too much. I put mine on the sand in the front and coralled it in with 3 pieces of rock to keep it there. After a week it moved out. Had to fly over a 5" high LR...
  6. phil1964

    Blue and Green Chromis

    I have 3 blue/green and 2 blue reef in the same tank. They get along and hang together somewhat but the blue/green grow bigger and faster and one is starting to get fiesty. I may get the blue/greens out down the road and get several more blue reef chromis. I like the coloring better.
  7. phil1964

    SeaClone 100 Skimmer

    Mine is on a 46 gal that I use as sort of a holding /q tank. I recently added a fish that has some white stuff on it, ick or some fungal thing, I am no expert but anyway I used some melilfex medicine for the first time. After I added it I went to rinse out the cup I had the med in and as I...
  8. phil1964

    Confused about a protein skimmer

    I am fussing and fighting with a berlin and a seaclone. Feel my pain. I am planning on ordering a euroreef 8-2 as soon as I make sure it will fit the tank I want for a sump.
  9. phil1964

    Confused about a protein skimmer

    Originally posted by Kipass4130 save up your pennies... and go ahead and buy a nice one. Most people go thru several cheap skimmers that turn out to be crap before they buy a nice one. Save your time and money and get a euro-reef from the start. You wont be dissapointed. Where were you a year...
  10. phil1964

    lowcost needs for a 180 reef tank?

    My 180 is going on 1 year. It had been 10 years since I was last in the hobby and so much changed but I will agree with everything said above. If I could do it again I would: 1. research everything more more more 2. buy everything possible online NOT a LF$ 3. get ALL my LR and sand right off the...
  11. phil1964

    SeaClone 100 Skimmer

    I have had one for about 6 months. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. I mess with the air intake a lot, water level in the tank, cleaning it. Not much luck. I am begining to think in depends on the phases of the moon.
  12. phil1964

    Awesome skimmer!!

    Someone else said that but I was making sure, thanks. I went to order today from a place that was having a sale but they were out of stock.
  13. phil1964

    star polyps not looking so good...

    You split them? Can they be pulled off the rock? I never touched them.
  14. phil1964

    Awesome skimmer!!

    All you euro reef owners Is it true that NO clearance is needed to remove the cup? I am looking at a 24" tall one to put under a 27" stand. Will that work?
  15. phil1964

    YAY!!! finally a flame angel

    Definately wish you luck. I HAD to have a flame. 1, 2 3rd time was a charm for me.I t is doing fine and buddy buddy with my yellow tang.
  16. phil1964

    Adult emperor angels

    Actually I did not order from I was on the wish list. Got an e-mail Monday saying they were in stock but commited with a group order that same day to order elsewhere. Our order consisted of 8 bags and 1 bag leaked. Of course it was mine. :mad: The poor guy was on his side with barely...
  17. phil1964

    OT: Bad news for me!!!

    Keep yourself safe. I can't believe these reports of you guys getting attacked so often. I don't know what to say yet I want to say so much. I know of others that are there and others that are back. I don't want to know of anyone that don't make it back. Keep yourself safe.:(
  18. phil1964

    Test results are in, NITRATE are pegged out!!

    Ok great, thanks. I know what to do now I just need to do it!
  19. phil1964

    Awesome skimmer!!

    Where did you get it? I am looking at one. Why do they charge soooooo much for plastic tubes.
  20. phil1964

    Awesome skimmer!!

    When you say clean do you mean clean the cup or the whole skimmer?