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  1. 6stokes

    need to know flow rate from drain line.

    Bingo! Your last paragraph expains it. I just didn't think you would want the drain pipe to start and stop flow. Doesn't that create sound? So why couldn't I buy a bigger pump delivering rated or actual at more than the drain rating if I controlled the flow with a valve? That way, I could...
  2. 6stokes

    tds reading

    Holy cow! That's bad. Should be 0 to 5. Change those filters and backflush the membrane. I think you may need a new mambrane though. :eek:
  3. 6stokes

    need to know flow rate from drain line.

    Okay, sorry I'm so ignorant here. I understand everything you guys are saying, but if you get a pump that is rated lower than the drain rate, then why doesn't the the stand pipe draw air when the tank water gets below the level of the teeth in the overflow box? A lower rated pump will not...
  4. 6stokes

    need to know flow rate from drain line.

    I still don't understand. The overflow works on siphon and water seeks its own level, therefore, if you have a sump below the level of the overflow, it will keep overflowing until the main tank drops below the inlet of the overflow tube. If the intake is located at the bottom of the tank, then...
  5. 6stokes

    need to know flow rate from drain line.

    Sorry to jump in here, but someone explain to me why you would want less pump rated gph than the overflow rating? Wouldn't that cause the sump to overflow or do you valve off the water being siphoned to match? If that's the case, then why can't you buy a bigger gph pump and valve down the...
  6. 6stokes

    Best pumps

    I don't have either one, but I have heard people complaining on these threads that the RIO's burn up.
  7. 6stokes

    Power Compacts lighting requirements

    Somewhere close to 5 is the general rule of thumb for softies and most LPS.
  8. 6stokes

    CA too high? lower?

    Not sure if the distilled takes calcium out or not.
  9. 6stokes

    Done everything I think I can....I think!

    This link will tell you everything you ever wanted to know.
  10. 6stokes

    USA Reef 6 st 100GPD Reverse Osmosis RO+DI Water Filter

    It comes with a saddle that you attach to a drain pipe, but you can direct it any place you like if you want to save the water for other purposes.
  11. 6stokes

    Couple Urgent Questions

    Yes, just leave it off. You don't want carbon or anything else for that matter. You can keep mechanical going such as a filter pad, but nothing else.
  12. 6stokes

    Can pods molt?

    Yes, they definitely molt and quite often I might add.
  13. 6stokes

    Couple Urgent Questions

    Yes, if the ick doesn't host anything for 6 weeks, it's gone. Not sure if you'll get the mandarin to eat frozen food, but if you do, you're real lucky.
  14. 6stokes

    Side by Side fans?

    I totally agree.
  15. 6stokes

    coraline problems

    You didn't mention Ph or Alk. Two very important factors that go with the calcuim reads.
  16. 6stokes

    CA too high? lower?

    A water change may or may not help. Where I live if using the city water, the calcuim will climb to 500 real easy. If you're using RO then the water changes will help.
  17. 6stokes

    Couple Urgent Questions

    You're not going to need the bio wheel if your using copper. It will kill everything on it, so don't bother. You'll have to find some live food that the mandarin will accept if he hosts the ick. He may not though, so don't worry about it until he does. I believe the ick cycle is 6 weeks...
  18. 6stokes

    RO/DI unit questions

    Yes you can install it at the kitchen sink, but be sure to get one with the storage tank so you have a reserve of water available. It's only about 2-3 gallons, but it's enough to fill a juice jug or to cook some food with quickly. And you should be able to find a brand new 6 stage 100 gpd...
  19. 6stokes

    PC's for 135gal reef

    Yes you could, but the idea is to get as much light as possible reflected into the tank. That's why there is a 90 degree lip on both sides. How handy are you with connecting wires? They are color coded, so it isn't too hard to figure out. Reason I'm asking, is if you feel comfortable enough...
  20. 6stokes


    I'm still not sure why someone is saying if the readings are too high it won't work properly. I can tell you though, if your water pressure is too low it won't work properly and you'll need a booster pump to correct that.