Search results

  1. 6stokes

    USA Reef 6 st 100GPD Reverse Osmosis RO+DI Water Filter

    Most all systems have the dame components and are made ultimately by the same manufacturer, so go with the best price. Be sure to understand what you're getting though. The reef system doesn't have a storage tank, so it will take a while to collect water for you. If you don't plan on using...
  2. 6stokes

    Side by Side fans?

    BTW, blowing all air into the canopy doesn't trap the air as suggested in the other post. If it did it would blow the canopy off the tank. All the air is escaping out the back. So, it's doing two things, cooling the water and removing the ambient hot air from the lights.
  3. 6stokes

    Side by Side fans?

    What are you trying to cool? I'll assume it's the water. That being the case they need to blow on the surface of the water. Anything else only cools the ambient air which only very minimally heats the water. It's the penetrating light that significantly heats the water. It's called radiant...
  4. 6stokes


    The amount it produces in a day doesn't have anything to do with how many dissolved solids your water has in it. Get how ever big a unit you think you will need. You should be able to judge that off of the unit you currently have. I will tell you that the readings your getting on your current...
  5. 6stokes

    2 or 1

    Technically, no. Two 1 inch openings are not as big as one 2 inch opening. It would take about four 1 inch openings to equal the area of a 2 inch opening. The formula to figure this out is 3.14(R^2) where R is radius.
  6. 6stokes

    PC's for 135gal reef

    Yes, a three inch computer fan will work, but the most important thing is that it is rated at 120 volts AC. Most computer fans are 12 volts DC. Try to find the highest CFM rating but the quietest. A lot of folks swear by the radio shack fans, but I have had bad luck with them going out...
  7. 6stokes

    RO/DI unit questions

    Sounds like a good idea to me. As far as which ones are better, I believe there are only two manufacturers of filters and they are both good quality although some aquarists swear by one specific brand. What you have to decide is how many pre-filters you want and do you want the final filter to...
  8. 6stokes

    PC's for 135gal reef

    Jslice, I have the exact same tank and canopy specs. I'll tell you my experience. I bought all the pieces to build my lights myself, but I'm a pretty handy do-it-yourselfer. What I ended up with was nine 65 watt pc's for a total of 585 watts. I am only able to keep softied and some lps. I...
  9. 6stokes

    New protein skimmer

    I would say keep adjusting so it's always producing skimmate. If you over adjust, you'll notice the collected skimmate will not be black or dark as you described, it will be yellow or closer to the color of your sea water and a thin consistency.
  10. 6stokes

    Melting shrooms

    Why is your ammonia up? Maybe nitrites and trates are up too? Post all of you water parameters and folks can help you better, but I would say that if it's not the ammonia, it's probably notrites. And if it's not the trites, it soon will be.
  11. 6stokes

    sand sifting goby

    I have a diamond gobie who does a great job, but likes to tunnel under rocks. You need to be sure your rockwork is stable. I got him while my tank was cycling, but now that it is well established, I don't really have a need for him. They eat all of the pods in the sand.
  12. 6stokes

    Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer Help!!!

    Offshore80, why do you have an air line going to the blocked port on the skimmer?
  13. 6stokes

    Urchin in a FOT some LV and two Carpets, any problems?

    By the way, urchins are nocturnal. You won't see much of them in the day.
  14. 6stokes

    Urchin in a FOT some LV and two Carpets, any problems?

    The urchin can hold its own, but they love to eat coraline algae.
  15. 6stokes

    the blues...

    I'd bet on needing more flow, but be sure there's no silicates or phosphates.
  16. 6stokes

    gobies--which are shifters?

    Never heard of a shifter, but diamond gobys sift like crazy. Got mine from SWF.
  17. 6stokes


    Congrats NMREEF. All of you moderators are great! Thanks for everything. By the way, looks like Bang will hit 15k by the end of the day!
  18. 6stokes

    pvc questions urgent

    Yep okay.
  19. 6stokes

    Reef Tank lights

    Understand, we are all here to learn and I didn't take it any other way. Bang or someone will have to help you on the different types of bulb output and what would fit under your pre-defined categories. Just so we are all on the same page: Watts= power consumed and volts times amps will give...