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  1. fallnhorse

    Lion on eating strike

    i've tried some guppies but i think they are too small to make notice for him. The LFS only have gold fish and guppies and i know how bad gold fish are. I started to medicate the tank with melaflex(sp). Make sure he doesn't have a bacteria infection. Cause this is the first time in 2 years he...
  2. fallnhorse

    Lion on eating strike

    Hello I have had my lion for two years now coming the 18th of january. He's a red violitian, (russel). I have him in a 100 gallon tank. Good parameters, been doing very well. I have soft coral, and mushrooms in with him. The hardest corals. They all been together for about year and half. They...
  3. fallnhorse

    Fire worm/Bristle worm ??

    I wouldn't want any worm in my tank over 4 inches, and they can get up to 10 ft in tanks, ugly. Once they get big it doesn't matter they are a problem. Plus give me the creeps when they get a foot
  4. fallnhorse

    Gonna order fish tomorrow

    I got a clarki clown and he's a damsel family. If my lionfish was aggressive as him. I would have to get rid of him. I also had a blue damsel they are just too territorial.
  5. fallnhorse

    Hydrometer issues

    I doubt that salinity is an issue. I read of reports of lion fish living in 1.053 salinity(conscious marine aquaruamist). The was slow change, water evaporation. Coral would not like extremely high salinity but fish can tolerate a lot of different environments and long as the change is slow...
  6. fallnhorse

    Electronic or Magnetic Metal Halide Ballast?

    Electronic! I had the old version of metal halides and i wont use them anymore after my incident. I worked at a tractor repair shop and we had the exact same halide ballasts on our lights at work. When i turned them on for work one morning it kicked the breaker. I flipped the breaker on at the...
  7. fallnhorse

    Lion ID Please

    Originally Posted by salt210 looks like a antennata( bad spelling) yes you are correct i got one 3 years ago and still have him. I feed him krill, shrimp, beef heart, and he even eats flake food. Don't feed the fresh water fish, death by gold fish is one of the most common deaths. Also don't...
  8. fallnhorse

    I NEED a good fish for controling bristle worms!

    I had so many bristle worms that when ever i turned a powerhead on for the day. It would kick 10 or so worms out of my tank. My luck have it they were coral eaters or when they populated so far they started eating my zoos. I used a 6 inch pieces of pvc tube, cap it on both ends. Drill couple of...
  9. fallnhorse

    Bad Bristleworms?

    i have bristle worms with an orange front body around the head for the first 1/3 of the worm. Then the rest of the body is brown. They have been eating my Zoos and taking the food right out of their mouth and upsetting. So i took a 6 piece of pvc tubing, capped it, drilled small whole. Then put...
  10. fallnhorse


    red sea's natural ocean base salt
  11. fallnhorse

    what type of light timers do you use?

    i bought a fancy coralife timer and it broke in a week So i went back to my walmart cheapo and it's working great.
  12. fallnhorse

    blue ring octo

    In that youtube video. They are both died shortly after. Beyond that. Being a business owner. I can't imagine any insurance covering you selling something so deadly. You could have them sign a waiver. However that always get thrown out. It's very irresponsible for pet store to sell them. The law...
  13. fallnhorse

    seaclone help

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa Those, as well as any skimmer will take 1-2 weeks to really break in. Give it some time, keep checking where you have the venturi set at. Before long, it'll be pulling gunk. Lisa :happyfish That is your problem...I have a seaclone and if you take the valve off...
  14. fallnhorse

    How Long Are Your Lights On

    I tell you about phosphorus. I used activate carbon and bought the " Aquarium Pharmaceuticals". It shot my tank full of phosphorus and i got algae up the ying yang. Finally burning out the phosphorus but i will only use high quality carbon now.
  15. fallnhorse


    I have a red voiltian in my tank, Means he's fine with corals and fish as big so that they won't fit in his mouth. But no shrimp and i wouldn't put an arrow or emrald crab in. But he's my buddy. I only have a big clarki in with him. He's the mean one towards me. If my lion acted like him i...
  16. fallnhorse

    Horseshoe Help

    they do get big. They are excellent scavengers, just need a big tank. Big tank.
  17. fallnhorse

    Help w/ Fishlist 55

    Nice landscaping If it was mine i think a pair of percula clowns would look beautiful in there. But there's alot of choices and combos you could do. So many options. :thinking:
  18. fallnhorse

    Okay Rykna and TX Reef, you asked!

    kudos nice job
  19. fallnhorse

    Mushroom turning white

    i bleach mine white with too much light before....can't have clams survive well on the bottom and bulleye mushrooms
  20. fallnhorse

    Leaky Tank

    use acetone to clean it. you wife should have some for painting her nails. It's important to prep the area and clean well. Then give it at least 24 hours for the silicone to cure. It stinks i've been there but its very fixable