Search results

  1. thedogofwa

    wet/ dry filters

    relax, 1st what I meant by lack of maintenance was dirty filters and complete lack of filters. I've seen tons of ppl who removed their filters entirely because they are scared of trapping organic materials that will lead to problems. if they are left uncleaned, it will cause a problem. left...
  2. thedogofwa

    Fuge Current

    :) how about a powerhead or maybe even just an airstone. what are you keeping in your nano?
  3. thedogofwa

    Macro shipping

    you're most welcome. :D
  4. thedogofwa

    corals from this site???

    haven't bought from here yet but buy online all the time. livestock gets to the LFS the same way it does to you when buying online.
  5. thedogofwa

    got some new rock today

    Lookin good!
  6. thedogofwa

    interesting, or i thought

    very interesting in that case. You should try to snap a pic b4 I call BS. JK!
  7. thedogofwa

    Butterfly feeding

    placing the food in an empty clam shell can often help.
  8. thedogofwa

    Macro shipping

    the best IMO. Won't go sexual but normally requires more lighting. Pull it apart a bit and it will grow better if you have problems.
  9. thedogofwa

    interesting, or i thought

    you've got a pair of percs and 1 clarkii?
  10. thedogofwa

    For all of you QTing all of your new fish additions.

    not me but you already knew that. :D
  11. thedogofwa

    Fuge Current

    I'm with these guys. What are you using this for???
  12. thedogofwa

    Macro shipping

    I received my first batch that way and normally mail some to someone weekly the same way. works just fine. :)
  13. thedogofwa

    New Tank

    I can't recommend using live fish for cycling. It's inhumane even for just a damsel. He should survive but theres no sense when what SSMariner9 suggested doesn't hurt anything and works equally well. be patient and don't get in a hurry. Nothing good in this hobby happens quickly. Congrats!
  14. thedogofwa

    Light experts inside please.

    heh, thats alright you did a good job on kelvin selection IMO, you should be happy with it.
  15. thedogofwa

    Help me reduce nitrates! Please!

    how big is your tank? if you're doing as many water changes as you say, it's either a very large tank, nitrates are being produced so fast you can't dent it with those amounts or your test kit is bogus. Have you tried another? what kind are you using BTW?
  16. thedogofwa

    sump help!!!!

    Originally posted by TheDogofWa more important for what?
  17. thedogofwa

    wet/ dry filters

    Originally posted by condork12 if your talking about lack of maintenance all water changes do is screw stuff up. you've got to be kidding me! Water changes screw things up? I know you didn't say that.
  18. thedogofwa

    sump help!!!!

    more important for what? The extra volume is nice and the height also helps to eliminate the possibility of microbubbles. anyone thats dealt with microbubbles will do just about anything to eliminate them. but like he said, he'll build whatever you want. :)
  19. thedogofwa

    help on setting up my fuge

    Originally posted by condork12 They do siphon. that is what the process is called. And btw i was talking about a tidepool sos overflow. yes they do but like I said it is very misleading in understanding how it works. It's easier to understand the process when you think of it as an equalizer...
  20. thedogofwa

    Light experts inside please.

    I would personally use URI bulbs, they are the best and have internal reflectors. as far as the white bulb, it's actually the actinic that gives you the flourescence. Choose your white bulb based on your preference of color. most ppl go with 50/50 but there are some that prefer the true daylight...