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  1. sac10918

    Sick percula clown

    Do you have a picture of this?
  2. sac10918

    is my tank ichy?!?!?!?

    Ich wont be seen in the water or in a tank unless it is on a fish. It is a parasite that has to have a fish to live on. When you put a fish in your tank, there is the possibility that ich can be on the fish. That is why people quarantine their fish before putting them in the tank- so they don't...
  3. sac10918

    Maroon Clown - Disease or Parasite? pics

    I don't think its ich either. THere is only one, right? And it is raised from the skin?
  4. sac10918

    Cute Tug of War

    Nice pic! You have some good skills with a camera and a beautiful crab by the way. I have never heard of a halloween crab--really cool!
  5. sac10918

    Velvet or Brooklynella?

    Dyna girl, If you quarantine the fish and do hypo in a separate quarantine display, and leave your main tank fishless for 6-8 weeks, then all the ich in that tank will die off and you can add your fish back into that tank. You cannot hypo a main tank with corals, live rock and sand because it...
  6. sac10918

    blenny color

    Mine has also lost almost all of its yellow tail color. There is still a slight yellow undertone but it is mostly a drab purple/blue. Haha, if that means they are females.....Mines name is Benny.
  7. sac10918


    Hi ross I just wanted to say that I think it was awesome of you to be responsible and not purchase this fish on a whim. I know it is tempting, especially if someone else is offering to pay. I wish there were more fish-responsible people in this hobby like you.
  8. sac10918

    Need details on formalin baths...

    When I treated with formailin, I placed the fish in a small bucket with an airstone and tubing that was dedicated to only formalin baths. After the fish were healed, I through the stone and tubing away since you wouldnt want to accidentally use this airstone in a display tank. I think the...
  9. sac10918

    AquaC Remora or Remora Nano for 24 gal?

    By the nano do you mean the Urchin? I have the Aqua C Remora on my 24 gallon aquapod. It does a great job and I have been very happy with it. I can get a pic of how it looks on my tank if you would like.
  10. sac10918

    Pulsing Xenia Propagation Experiment

    I tried fragging my pulsing xenia using the netting method. I followed the instructions to the T, yet when i checked the xenia this morning to see if it had attached to the rock, it was completely disintegrated to mush. What a disappointment. What did I do wrong?
  11. sac10918


    Hi, I have had an acropora coral in my tank for about 2 months. I was just thinking the other day how good it was looking, and today I notice that it is completely bleached. I have 1x70w 14,000K PowerPaq HQI lights on a 24 gallon tank which are on for 12 hours a day. I have no actinics or any...
  12. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Okay, I noticed today that a little frag of acropora which I have had for about 2 moths is completely bleached today. Maybe I do have too much light or I leave the light on too long? Everything still looks bad! Star polyps almost look like they have a thin layer of algea covering them.
  13. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Yes, I think the location could be the problem. The frogspawn has been on an up and down rollercoaster for a few months but has recently looked shabby. The reason I feed the marine snow so often is that the frogspawn looks really good when I do. IT puts its little tentacles out and looks fuller...
  14. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Also, I just did some more tests.... Nitrates are about 20 which is higher than normal. I will change out the carbon media on my phosban reactor tomorrow to help get this back down. I forgot to mention that I also have two feather dusters, which I have had for about a month. Last week, one...
  15. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Hi hagfish, I had a temp swing approximately 2 weeks ago. The tank is normally around 81 degrees, and it went up to 84 throughout the course of the day. I dont really know how much flow I have, I believe I have a maxijet 900 attached to a hydro flow nozel that spins the water in my tank and a...
  16. sac10918

    Clown Fish Help

    Hi Nick How long have you had this particular clownfish? How long has it been since you last saw him eat? What foods are you offering? Try to offer several different types of food, soaked in vitamins and garlic. Definately stop the fresh water dips and try to give him some space. Dont scare the...
  17. sac10918

    not sure....

    Couldnt you buy a 10 gallon tank at wall mart for $9. It will make your life alot easier when it comes to quarantining the fish. You should hurry up and quarantine them and do hyposalinity to rid them of ich. Look in the FAQ forum for detailed instructions. Also, add garlic and selcon vitamins...
  18. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Are there any additives other than calcium that I should be dosing the tank with?
  19. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Okay, I just added some CA. Does that have any negative effects on fish or cleaner shrimps?
  20. sac10918

    Corals not doing well, HELP PLEASE

    Okay, KH is 10 CA is 345 (a bit low) I will as some B ionic right now Here are the pics... You can see the frogspawn on the right is happy, but the one tucked in the back is not. And here is a picture of my brain