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  1. draconis321

    Royal angel with head and lateral line detioration $30.00 worth it ?

    So i was givin a rolay angel they said they only paid 30 because of thedisease it's got and all he needs are some vitamins which i'm am currenttly feed and putting in the water I was wondering wether it's worth it?
  2. draconis321

    Bamboo shark tips

    This is perfect Ijust logged on to ask about this my bamboo is still in the egg "shell" and I was wondering about whats the best way to get him to solid food plus is it ok to lettuce clip him to the side of the tank?
  3. draconis321

    Can I do his

    can some one post a pic of one of these guy so i know what to look for when i go to store. and if their in water already there ok to put in the tank right? cause the grocery store i go to sells them live (if they're the same thing)
  4. draconis321

    help from you mantis guys?

    very nice what size tank is he going in are you going to make it a reef?
  5. draconis321

    mantis info

    there are 2 typyes smashers and spearers <-they'll be fine in galss tanks the others alll you really need its a sheet of plexi glass on the bottom no they don't need live food but they be happerir with than with out spearers like any shrimp they can fit in there mouth(live or dead) and the same...
  6. draconis321

    what is your favorite invert?

    hey texas is that octo your's ? if so its awsome
  7. draconis321

    what is your favorite invert?

    I don't really no not many people doall i no is that it 's a smasher
  8. draconis321

    help from you mantis guys?

    Iy's not that interresting here on the other hand I've live here all my life
  9. draconis321

    help from you mantis guys?

    really why ??
  10. draconis321

    Glass, plastic... safe

    I boght it a my lfs and it seems to be doing real well in my tank but I'm thinking about getting rid of it
  11. draconis321

    help from you mantis guys?

    it perfect just no that u will have to some live food (hermits, snail and crabs) pplus a place to hide (a peice of pvc works great) other wise you'll have some molting problems also put some tiny peices of live rock they like to shut them selves in the dark when they molt( don't worry about them...
  12. draconis321

    what is your favorite invert?

    the mantis shrimp the smartist invert there is here are some pics of my guys the first ones a spearer the seconds a smasher
  13. draconis321

    New 90 Reef

    bigger tank more water less margin for [hr] ups but a big tank like a 125 will empty ur wallet if ur going full out i have a 125 which was going to be a reef but then I saw how much it would cost me -lighting with metal halides $1400 - with out metal halides $700...
  14. draconis321

    Help!! All My Fish Keep Dying

    If u use brand new water and got ridd of all your cycled water that would have bin queit a shock for the fish
  15. draconis321

    Help Needed! Can Worms Regenerate Their Body Parts?

    well worm are know to be asexual reproducers and that use fragmentingso even if the head looks bad theres a good chance that u will get to worm and if the head does not grow a body there is a very good chance that the vice versa will happen and if they both die i'm pretty sure that all u mitgh...
  16. draconis321

    Glass, plastic... safe

    never mind the last question but why hoolles in the bottom won't the sand leak thru
  17. draconis321

    Glass, plastic... safe

    well you see there use to be a lot of sand but then my gramps got a sup polyop( it was his tank before he passed)but he new that they don't like too much light so he made a cave for it which took qiuet a bit of space and plus the little corner that had some plant has over grown so hecne the...
  18. draconis321

    Glass, plastic... safe

    So in my tank i have barely any sand bed but I want a plate coral so I had the idea of filling a container with sand and putting it in they rocks some where and covering the container with rocks so it look like the rock are holding in the sand I was wondering wether this idea was good or am i...
  19. draconis321

    green wolf eel

    my mom wouldn't get any other "eels" thanks fhe info
  20. draconis321

    green wolf eel

    I recently got a green wolf eel ( so awsome) he's in a big one twenty five but I was wondering about how big they get? width and length?can you put other eels with them? i'l try get some pics but mines still getting use to me but for an eel he's very friendly